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5. My Looks

4. The World

3. Layer


1. The Future of Gaming

The Setting

avatar on 2023-01-09 06:59:28

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It was intriguing to think that one Layer, if left to live freely—which was a rarity—could theoretically populate the world with an obscene amount of children. You could make an army of children. I supposed that it was therefore probably for the best that Layers were so rare in the game, and induction drugs to make you lay more eggs at a time, so regulated. Imagine if a single Layer was continuously fertilized for a few years. I was not going for that in this game. Getting fertilized meant having someone fuck me in the ass and cum. Each egg was stark white, and about the size of a tennis ball. They went for thousands of dollars apiece. The high price pointed to why the layers were a commodity to be bought and sold. People ate them, stored them, displayed them—the eggs were also a popular item with medical researchers, because of the rejuvenating properties in the cells of their yolks. Obviously, it would not be a good thing if I told any people here that I was a Layer. Especially not when I was just a scrub at Level 1. People might come after me for the potential eggs. Players might too.

When starting in a "realistic" setting, the way one would level up was very different than in a fantasy setting. You cannot just get a weapon and wander beyond the city limits hoping for mobs to spawn. Police will be called if your actions startle the sensibilities of the general public. They were really strong at the start and scaled up based on the Player in question. You had to find ways to go advance in the game with normal means. In the real world, people had jobs and passions. If you wanted to be a fighter, you better go join a gym. If you wanted to be a cleric, you had to be a very devout member of a faith. Crime paid, but it was a double-edged sword. NPC bounties for arrest would only grow until the criminal in question was captured or killed. Doing illegal things and getting away with it gave massive exp. to those willing to tussle with the cops and be an outcast to polite society. Since this was clearly not the world Suzie was in, I would have to wait to meet up with her. Maybe I could even ask her to join me on this world. First, I would need to get something started up. I looked for a gym.

Finding a boxing gym would be best to get my exp. up. I could train on the equipment to raise my strength and endurance. Actually fighting would give me the exp. that I needed to get to the point I could level up. Just looking around the district of the city I was in was not working. There did not seem to be any in this residential area. All I found was a park. Wandering through it, I looked around and asked if there was a gym nearby. Most people just ignored me, I must have looked like a weird tourist to them. My teeth were very sharp like a shark's. I had freckles all over my nose and a mole on my chin. My hair was purple and spiked up at odd places. I would not trust a guy like me if I was approached either. Eventually, I saw a patrolling police officer. I asked him where the nearest gym was. He gave me a long stare. I just looked back at him in confusion. After a long sigh, he gave me detailed instructions to a small gym on the other side of time. "It's the place people like you belong." he said. Looking around, this was a very well to do area. I was not the type of person usually seen in here.

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