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50. DMU - Robert gets dressed

49. DMU - Robert’s punishment

48. DMU - Robert’s worse morning

47. DMU - Dressing at the Gibsons

46. DMU - Lydia’s Wardrobe

45. DMU -Lydia’s breakfast

44. DMU - Day 2 begins

43. DMU - Dream On

42. DMU - Dream a little dream

41. DMU - A whole new experience

40. DMU - Simons new feelings

39. DMU - What’s on Laura’s mind?

38. DMU - an uneventful evening

37. DMU - Jon explores

36. DMU - Getting Home

35. DMU - the walk home

34. DMU - Lydia’s morning continue

33. DMU - Lydia’s Morning

32. DMU - Last patient

31. DMU - Yuki’s exam

DMU - Robert gets dressed

avatar on 2023-01-09 05:39:52

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Robert surveyed the clothing laid out before him on the bed. It seemed his wife had conspired with Mollie to completely humiliate him. He was looking at one of his old t-shirts, along with a pair of plain black panties, a set of black tights, a black skirt with a white lace trim that was essentially the lower half of French maid outfit, and a pair of black heels. He looked over at Mollie.

“You can’t be serious?” He pleaded. A slight smirk crossed the French woman’s face.

“Deadly monsieur Robert, please get dressed or I will tell Madame Lucy” she smiled as she sat on the edge of the bed and folded her arms. Robert sighed, if he was going to make it through the day he’d have to play along.

“I’m guessing your going to stay and make sure I put it on right?” He asked, causing Mollie to nod, her eyes fixed on him. Reluctantly he stripped his clothes off and began to don his outfit. First the panties, then his shirt. He pulled in the skirt and found it tied around the waist with a white silk ribbon. Next he went to pull on the tights, and found himself bunching them up before pulling them on his feet. Unknowingly, as he bent over he gave Mollie a full view of his more shapely behind under his skirt

Mollie was surprised to feel a slight pulsing twitch in her crotch at this sight. Eventually Robert had pulled on the tights almost expertly, and was now fastening the heels to his feet. After a few wobbly steps he found his footing.

“Happy now” he said miserably.

“Very good” Mollie smiled, impressed at the shape of his legs in the tights, “now I ‘ave written down all my duties for you. I’m sure de kitchen will need cleaning by now, zen you can move on to ze bedrooms” she added, handing him a folded sheet of paper.

“And what will you do?” Robert asked. Mollie stood and made her way to the door.

“I think I will get something to eat, then I’ll get some sun by ze pool, I’d like you come by in an hour to see if I need anything” she said with a smile as she left the room, leaving Robert stood there staring at the list in his hand.

“She’s already enjoying zis” he muttered to himself as he gingerly made his way to the door.

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