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8. MRB - Sean Models for Brody

7. MRB - Sean Leaves with Brody

6. MRB - Sean Likes Being the Cen

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1. The Drafting Board

MRB - Sean Models for Brody

on 2023-01-07 21:07:01

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On the way back to his place, Brody got bold. "I have lots of lingerie lying around from my one-night stands," Brody said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'd love to see you model it for me."

Sean couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had never dreamed of doing something like that. Despite his initial hesitation, Sean agreed. He knew that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and he didn't want to miss out on any of the fun.

As they arrived at Brody's place, Brody led Sean to his bedroom, where he had a wide selection of lingerie strewn about. Sean couldn't believe his eyes as he saw the variety of lacy bras, thongs, and garter belts that Brody had collected.

With a sly smile, Brody handed Sean a black lace bra and matching thong. "Here, try these on," he said, his eyes filled with desire.

Sean blushed at the thought of stripping down and modeling lingerie for Brody, but he knew that he couldn't back out now. He took a deep breath and began to undress, revealing his slender and toned body.

As Sean tried on the lingerie that Brody had collected, he quickly realized that a lot of it was too small for his new busty body.

"I don't care if it's too tight," Sean said with a wink as he struggled to get into a particularly tight bra. "I want to make the most of this experience." As Sean struggled to squeeze into the tight lingerie that Brody had collected, both he and Brody couldn't help but be titillated by the way that Sean's body strained against the constricting fabric.

While Sean was pleased at Brody’s reactions to his modeling, Sean found himself reserving his stares for the image in the mirror, the woman striking provocative poses and blowing kisses just for him.

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