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9. What side am I on?

8. Eva tries to talk to the magic

7. setting up a new magical girl

6. James tries to work in disguis

5. James gets some help (alt path

4. Torch passes to a new magical

3. What harm can a video tape do?

2. Magic items for sale at an ani

1. The Drafting Board

Magical girl: The protector of Humanity

on 2023-01-06 06:41:25

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In her small house, Maya was with the strange creature known as Risu. She wanted to learn more about this woman who was going to let her room to… it was a good idea but there was still a lot she didn’t know. How was she connected to magic? Who was she?

“She’s linked to you... and your predecessors.” The squirrel-toy explained. “They had their own servants of course. I was assigned to you.”

“Who were my… Predecessors?” The new magical girl asked concerned.

“Very kind girls,” Risu said rather wistfully. “Though this is the first time… uh… something like this has happened. I honestly don’t know quite what to think. It shouldn’t really have been possible… but I think it’s great! Maybe this was meant to be. It was always going to be a gamble on who the next princess would be.”

Princess… urgh. “I guess I’ll have to leave my job,” Maya sighed.

“Oh. Were you happy there? You do have a new job now. You could always live in the palace with you magic mom,” The squirrel toy said.

“No I- I mean- I couldn’t do that! I don’t even… know her.” She bit her lip slightly. “My job… I mean it was secure but- no I wasn’t happy. Getting a job isn’t to make one feel happy though. I was just a guy doing what I had to do to survive. It wasn’t anything more than that.” The girl explained.

“Well let’s-“

Suddenly there was a weird… pulse. It was like an Earthquake, only it rippled through the very air itself.

“Well let’s-“ Risu repeated. “huh…” The squirrel blinked as time seemed to shift a second or so backwards. “Did you feel that?”

Maya glanced around with the strange feeling of vertigo. “What… just happened?”

The squirrel girl jumped looking out the window. “Uh, hard to explain. It seems you’re needed already though…” Risu sighed. “You better change into your magical girl form… do what you think is right.”

“What? Wait you’re not going to tell me what I need to do?!” Maya gasped.

“You’re the princess Maya, I’m your servant… I advise you. Someone needs you, that’s all I can say.”

“…what if I decide not to do anything?” Maya asked annoyed as she sat down.

“…Is… that really what you would do?”

Maya tensed. She was a person of… regular routine. Right now, she would have been playing some video games, and shutting out the crazy world as must as she could. If someone was in trouble they could call the cops! Why was being ‘asked’ to go somewhere, and investigate ‘something’ then decide on what to do, with so little understanding of her magical abilities?! It was stupid! She shouldn’t…

‘Someone needs you…’

Maya bit her lip. Her? Just.. her? “Fine! I’ll go… but I don’t know what I’ll say if people catch me in those weird clothes!”

Risu giggled. “You’ll be fine! I’ll help you as best I can.”

In a mansion, there lived an old lady…

A lady with a history. A deep, magical history that most would never believe. She was teaching the latest spell to her apprentice.

“Now, as per volume thirteen of the Forbidden Encyclopaedia, there are limitations that make it difficult to outright ‘kill’ using magic.” The woman explained in what seemed to be a large study. Her student was on a desk taking notes. “This is why, when such actions are… required, we explore how to make the environment unviable. The Mage Ahestu in Egypt was fond of converting all oxygen into Nitrogen… but met an untimely end after doing that in a closed area… beware that such spells can easily lead to the death of the user.” She tapped on the board. “Now… this is an effective kill spell… it is direct, and often has no method to block it. That being said, you must exercise caution with the gestures, They are not quite standard and it’s easy to get caught up in-“ Pmpff. “-to get caught up in.” The echo of her voice suddenly stuttered as time appeared to ‘repeat’.

Then they felt it… a sensation. Most would feel it as a strange sense of DeJa’Vu… but those with magical training understood it was something else. Something far more worrying.

“What’s” Asked the girl at the desk looking around. “Lady Nishi?”

“A moment Jessica…” she had to compose herself. The old woman, Nishi had white hair tied into a bun. She was very old now, apparently about seventy years old. Despite her advanced age though she still had a cold, stern expression. “Hm… one of the evil ones have come through.” It happened occasionally and usually at the worst time possible. Lady Nishi shook her head. “A small invader… well you know what to do,” she said softly.

Jessica nodded and got up from her desk. “Destroy the monster… save the world. You taught me well,” she said with a smile before taking out her magical wand. “Magic Girl Justice Power!” There was a spark of light as Jessica’s clothes changed. Her brown hair turned slightly towards the red now, as her form shifted a little. She became faster… stronger… and so much more agile. Her clothes changed into one of a typical sailor style fuku outfit.

Lady Nishi checked a time piece in her pocket. “You have 24 hours…”

“I will not fail. I will protect humanity from them…” Jessica vowed. “Those monsters will never win. They never have yet!”

“Don’t be too overconfident…” Lady Nisha reminded. “-but… yes. I believe you can deal with this. Go, destroy the creature, protect the world.”

As the young girl left flying out the window, Lady Nishi went to get a cup of tea. “Hm… she is certainly a lot more cooperative, far more then when she was younger,” She chuckled idly to herself. “Getting rid of those distractions… the best decision I ever made…”

Terry was now a harpy girl… Strange orange and red features, all displayed prominently on her body and even in parts of her hair. She could feel a set of modest breasts, small but nonetheless very perky, clad in wrapped up cloth that granted some modesty. Where any of these clothing came from, she had no idea.

She had yet to even ‘look’ at herself, but her female body was very apparent at this point. Her tail feathers brushing against a filing cabinet in the office. The new Harpy wasn’t even sure quite ‘how’ this even happened, that this even ‘could’ happen. She was in a state of acute distress looking at her hands which were now wings. Stumbling slightly on the claws- talons of her feet which made little ticking noises on the ground. Her only clue was that small woman. “What did you do!” She said at the small lady. The witch!

“Is something wrong? I… I don’t remember…” The small woman asked tilting her head.

Terry stared down at her. “I- I’m a monster!” She cried out. “What the hell! Why!”

“Oh…” The small woman responded nonplussed by what she was saying with wide innocent eyes. “You look fine to me dear. I-“

“What did you do!” She was angry upset, enraged and every emotion she could think of. “This is insane!”

The small woman looked sympathetically. “Um… you shoudn’t… let others make you feel like a monster.” She looked in confusion again. “May I ask, what… am I doing here? What is this place?” She looked around in confusion again.

“This? It’s… it’s the Post office.” Terry wasn’t sure if she could believe it. The woman seemed to have come down with a case of severe amnesia or was just playing dumb. She had to take her to the police! Yes! That was a plan to sort this out. There was a station not too far, she could take her there. “You- come with me!” She tried to grab her… though her wings didn’t seem to allow it.

“Oh… okay dear,” The woman said softly not offering any resistance. “Are we friends?”

Terry decided to just... humour her for now. “Yes. We’re friends. Come with me.”

The woman relaxed. “A… friend. So…What’s my name?”

“Well- You… told me it was… Eva.” Terry was losing patience again. “Look something… weird has happened. I’m going to talk to the police about it.”

“Eva…” The woman nodded. “That’s a nice name. It feels strange though,” She shook her head. “I know, I’m being silly aren’t I… oh the police? Will they be able to help?”

“I… I don’t know!” The harpy girl said exasperated. “I mean- I hope so. Come with me.” She didn’t know what to do. It seemed to be the only thing she could think of, even if it was stupid. What would they do? Eva was cooperative at least. The harpy guided her out of the office, her talons were so awkward to walk in not to mention all these feathers making her feel like a fluffy body pillow was all around her! She leaned back against the main door, letting it lock closed behind her. Even if she had her key now, there was no way to open it with these wings. “Come. This way.”

At that point though, Terry’s boss Mr Markson was coming into the room. He was an older man in his late forties. Terry almost panicked seeking him though not sure how to explain what had happened- “Ah Hello Terrisa,” he smiled. “Need help locking up? Don’t worry I’ll take care of it.” He waved her away. “Have a good night.”

Terry stared at the man in confusion. He was calling her Terrisa?! He wasn’t even concerned about her being a harpy… she stood there awkwardly as her boss started to go inside the office without a concern on what he just saw. “Uh.. can I ask you something?”

“Hm? Sure.” He poked his head back out. “This about your holiday?”

“No… um…do you see… anything weird about me?” Terry cautiously asked raising her feathery wings.

“Well- I guess your feathers look a bit messed up from carrying the mail bag,” He said cautiously. “But you look fine to me. Who’s your friend?” He asked glancing to the small lady.

“Friend…” Eva repeated happily. “We’re friends.” She smiled happily almost like a child and held onto the harpy girl’s leg.

“Uh.. yeah, we’re friends…” Terry rubbed her wing on her forehead.

Mr Markson nodded but inside his head was screaming ‘Gosh.. that was so cute!’ “Ahem- Well, you two take care.”

Terry stared dumbfounded. Her boss didn’t seem concerned about the fact she was some kind of monster thing! She looked down at the small woman who had a piece of paper now. “What’s that?”

“Do I live here?” She asked showing an address. “I found it in my pocket.”

Terry bent down to look. He knew that place… “Hm… wait- that’s James’s address!”

“James.. is he a friend too?” she asked curious.

Terry groaned. What the heck did he have to do with- wait a minute. Did he use this weird magical stuff first?! He was connected to the girl…

Jessica flew through the sky… her eyes tracking the disturbance. It was close… so very close. That was surprising, but perhaps magic tended to crop up near magical people. There she saw it.. an evil Harpy, polluting their reality. It seemed to be walking down the street…

She readied herself to destroy the monster but paused seeing a small woman near her. “I think she has a hostage…” She whispered. First, she would separate them… then destroy the monster.

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