Ignoring the alarm bells ringing in her head, Delia let out a deep breath. Happy as she was with her body, there was always things that she had wanted to change about it.
"I accept." the mother answered and felt the woman grab hold of her hand. Pulled right of the waiting room, Delia wasn't completely sure where she was being taken. Had this been a trick all along? Possibly. But to go that far in a place like a hospital made it seem differently.
"Sorry if you feel confused." the woman explained and cracked a smile. Digging into the pocket of her labcoat, out came a syringe. Pointing it in Delia's direction, she didn't need to be told what was about to happen. "But this is for the best. Do you know how hard it is to find a willing Delia?"
Delia stared at the woman. What the heck was she even talking about here? What about this was anywhere close to willing?
Sadly, the prick of the syringe was all it took to bring a swift end to any questions she could've asked.