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28. Lay of the Land

27. Security Part 2

26. Metamorphosis: Security

25. The Doctor is In

24. Freak-Out

23. Earlier, again...

22. Little Sister

21. Going Bad

20. Lauren Levine

19. back to Linda

18. The Lower School

17. New Student

16. there was mention of assistant

15. End of Forth Period

14. the school's changes

13. The Spanish Teacher Needs a Fa

12. Biff will never learn...

11. Lunch 2 (fixed)

10. Earlier That Day 2

9. History Research

Metamorphosis: Lay of the Land

on 2011-06-05 05:31:37

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(Author's Note: This was originally written by chickenchaos and myself in the IRC chat. Have been holding onto it for a bit and decided to post it up.)

Linda snapped back to reality just in time to hear Michelle's farewell, and then Deidre took Linda by the hand and guided her out towards the hall. Glancing down, Linda stifled a squeal, as she realized her hand, and indeed the rest of her body, had darkened to a light mocha color. Her changes were continuing, and she needed to find a way out before she ended up like Deidre or Eve

"Have either of you noticed anything different around here lately?" Linda asked trying to sound nonchalant.

"Different? well the school keeps addin' things wi' al' the nicker they git, if that's wat yer mean. You're somethin' new, oi suppose, an' dare wus another new lassy aboyt a week ago," Deidre replied in her lilting voice.

Eve merely nodded in agreement to Deidre, then realized that might be seen as an agreement to seeing something different, then shook her head...then realized Linda might misinterpret that as well. "Er... no. Nothing."

Linda thought about that. "I am just...getting the feeling there is something very odd going on around here," she said, glancing down again at her hand.

"This school is specifically designed for sum av the richest an' smartest lasses raun. Wi' all the ego an' drama dat cums wi' that, Whitelace is alwus a wee queer."

Linda frowned, uncertain of how to ask more without sounding nuts. "What else can you tell me to learn how to survive her?"

"Survival? that's never much av an issue 'ere, wi' all the coddlin' we git. It 'elps if yer git along wi' yer roommates an' dorm assistant, but oi don't tink there are too many dangers lurkin' de 'alls. Jist don't cross any av Jay's group an' try yer best ter ignore Tiffany an' 'er cronies."

"What about going out? Leaving the school?"

"That's against the rules during school hours, though some manage to leave if they have the teacher's permission, like Madison does oftentimes," Eve explained softly, "Though I've seen a few other manage to get off by brokering deals with security... After school is more open, though we're highly encouraged to inform our Dorm Assistant of our whereabouts at all times."

"Madison?" She asked, turning to Eve.

"Ah, y-yes, Madison Jones. The star of Whitelace Academy. Everything a Whitelace student could aspire to: brilliant, friendly, athletic, sensible, and, well, she's really pretty too," Eve explained, looking a little flushed.

She wondered why Eve stumbled when saying that. Did she have some sort of crush on this top student? She wondered who Madison might have been before.

"Deidre! Eve!" A high pitched voice with a Russian accent called from across the hall, and the trio turned to see a very pregnant blonde girl waddle her way over to the group. "How are you two? I was not knowing you were out of class this period."

Linda couldn't hide her shock. She knew no one at the school was pregnant. Could the babies be former students...reduced to fetuses?

"We don't, we jist got kicked out early t'anks to someone's squeemishness," Deidre said, shooting Eve a look, "an' are nigh showin' de Linda 'ere the school. She's bran' new, jist came in wi' Michelle."

Linda was still staring at the pregnant girl's...well, pregnancy. This girl looked to be her son's age...and pregnant.

"A new girl? Welcome to Whitelace!" the young expectant mother said cheerily,"I am Mikhaila Matvei, though you should call me Losya. I see you are, how you say... entranced by my condition. As you can be seeing, I am very much pregnant, will be due in about a month or so, four beautiful baby girls. The father is back in Moscow, but Ms. Zoe, that to be saying, my Dorm's assistant, is working to get him flown in for the births."

"'re only...what, fifteen or sixteen?" She said, completely missing the name of the dorm assistant.

"It is proud tradition of Matvei women to bear many children. My mother had eighteen, my grandmother twenty seven. They say the most recorded was from Innya Matvei, back before Bolshevik Revolution, who had nearly sixty childrens. I hope to be breaking that record some day," Losya replied.

"But...but...Wait, did you say Ms. Zoe?"

"Yes, Zoe Gibson. She is the Dorm Assistant for my room. Very strict, but also very good at job."

"Where is she?" Linda said, then realized she sounded urgent. "I'd like to her."

"Hm... After she leaves me with Doctor Tan, she was saying something about running errand. I do not think she is on school grounds right now."

Linda wondered how long she could keep it together with all this. Her daughter...if it was her Zoe...strict? Zoe hated authority. She looked around between the three girls. "I...guess I'm just overwhelmed." Better thought overwhelmed than crazy.

"Yeah, its a lot ter take in a once. This school is fairl eccentric," Deidre said.

"What can you tell me about the Headmistress?"

"The 'eadmistress? Don't know much aboyt 'er beyond 'er looks an' 'ow she's bloody at 'er job. me an' Eve jist met 'er for a moment. Thought she wud 'av been older, but she's still plenty creepy."

"This is the first time you've met her? How long have you been here?"

"This is me turd year 'ere, actually. The 'eadmistress likes ter keep ter 'erself, jist calls people in or sends oyt these old fashioned letters."

"Do you see your family often?'

"Naw, they live across de pond in Belfast. only see them durin' Christmas an' Easter. an' summer t'be sure."

"Do you call them regularly?"

"Not really. usually jist postage."

She nodded, and looked around. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?" She asked Eve and Deidre. Maybe she could get away and figure things out.

"No, the Headmistress decided it was best we stay out of fifth and just wait until sixth. Besides, it would mean of us to leave you..." Eve said.

"Where should we go?"

"Well, we 'av a few more minutes lef in the period. Any part o' school we should show ya?"

"What do you think I should see?" Linda asked, wondering how she could poke holes in this world that seemed to be replacing her own. Or if she even could. Her last attempt with Mrs. Levine had only hastened her changes.

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