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6. Culprit!

5. Uniform

4. Mrs. Akatter

3. Go look for it.

2. Weirdness at School...

1. You Are What You Wish

From the Frying Pan...

on 2010-12-12 10:46:20

1883 hits, 105 views, 3 upvotes.

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"Hey, little Jonny!" a mocking voice called out.
Jon, still blushing and jiggling, glanced up to see...
She was SO much taller than he remembered, more muscular, more - well - manly. She was dressed in what used to be the boy's uniform, the stone in her head, a mocking smile across her face.
"Melissa!" Jon squeaked in his silly new voice, deeply shocked to see the Cheerleader looking that way.
"Hey, squirt." Melissa smirked. "Like the changes I've made...?"
Jon gasped and, mincing as fast as his little jiggling body and huge shoes would allow, he rushed at her, his little hands reaching for the Stone...
Melissa's smile became nastier.
"I wish that males had to obey every order they received from a female" she said.
Jon gasped as the Stone flashed, he was almost there, he went to grab it...
"Stop" Melissa said simply.
Jon suddenly found himself frozen there, his body bouncing embarrassingly from his efforts.
The Stone was SO close!
Suddenly he became aware of a strange ache from his little ass - and he remembered! He remembered the day before, when Zoe, irritated with the speed with which he returned with her sandwich, had grinningly ordered him to bend over the coffee table and spank himself as hard as he could.
She'd laughed over him at first, but eventually had lost interest and wandered off, leaving him standing there, wholloping his soft little cheeks as hard as he could for almost three hours.
His little ass had been SO sore when his mother had finally found him whimpering pathetically...
"Do you want this? No?" Melissa mocked the frozen little cutie, waving the Stone under his little button nose. "Ooooooh dear, little Jonny! - look's like you'll just have to stand there and watch as I improve things!"
She gripped the Stone.
"I've been treated like a dumb little piece of meat by boys for too long! Let's see how YOU like it! - I wish that obeying orders got males all hot down in their pretty little panties! The more they don't want to obey, the hotter!"
Jon gave a little involuntary moan as a tingling fire started between his thighs and - especially - on each of his still-jiggling boobs.
He could feel his nipples perking up hard, and knew that they must now be even more easily visible through his tiny top.
...And he suddenly remembered a different ending to yesterday's incident: his mother had discovered him moaning, his swollen hips shuddering with yet ANOTHER climax, his cute panties ruined...
"...And I wish that women understood the importance of ruling their little men..."
His mother had complimented Zoe on keeping control of the men - especially when she discovered that her husband had been made to athletically shake his tits in the corner and Mikey to rush around on all fours, yipping like a dog, for equal time...
"...I wish that males were now called 'Bimbos' - and had appropriate names..."
Bunni suddenly gasped - he knew that his name had changed!
It used to be...
He couldn't remember! But he knew that 'Bunni' would have been a silly name for a Bimbo like him!... No, not a Bimbo, a... a...
He couldn't remember.
"...I wish that Bimbos were incapable of original thought, or indeed, of ANYTHING but obeying orders and assisting their betters..."
It was at that moment that the Bimbo's hockey and netball teams became giggling cheerleaders. That the Bimbo doctors became submissive little Bimbo nurses. That the token Bimbo who had broken through the glass ceiling to the board became just another coffee-bringing sextoy for his superiors.
"...I wish they had no legal rights and couldn't own property..."
All of the Bimbos in their big houses suddenly felt their clothes flowering into sexy little maid's uniforms as they began to dust and clean for their new owners.
"...I wish Bimbos were seen and not heard..."
Images of Bunni's new life suddenly flashed through his reeling mind.
He remembered dancing for the big, important girls in his sexy little uniform at the edge of the class - serving their every whim, cooing softly as he submissively let his curvy little body be roughed grabbed and fondled... Of his father at home in his tiny maid costume, obediently tidying...
"...I wish that Bimbos were the ones who became pregnant and looked after children..."
...His father tidying, unsteady slightly because of the monstrous bulge of his belly...
"...I wish their tits were huge and firm..."
Bunni gasped as he felt his little top strain even further...
Melissa smiled. "...and that they always went topless..."
Bunni wanted to scream, but only managed a cute peep as his top changed, sliding down to leave his firm, creamy mounds of bouncing titflesh, capped by adorable little pink nipples, completely bare.
"...and I wish that they greeted their betters in a very particular way..."

Bunni, his cute little face still gaping in horror, stepped into his classroom.
Melissa stood behind him, the Stone still clutched possessively in her hand.
Only the huge new girls were sitting behind the desks now - a few giggly, softly pretty little boys danced for their pleasure or sat cooing in their laps, happy little playthings one and all.
The class's former teacher, Mr. Andson, was dusting desks with his little feather duster, his huge, perky tits bouncing in plain sight, his maid apron and skirt so short that it revealed his scrumptious ass with his every movement.
The heavyset new female teacher seemed distracted and gave his flawless, perfectly rounded cheeks a pinch as he minced prettily past.
Mr. Andson - or 'Jiggles' as he was now called - tittered stupidly and thrust his big ass into her hand for further squeezing.

Everyone glanced over for an instant as Bunni wiggled her way in.
They visibly lost interest when they saw that it was no on that mattered - just another silly little Bimbo.
But most kept their eyes glued to his chest as, following a Bimbo's customary greeting of his masters (i.e. - all females), Bunni - blushing slightly - lifted his arms and crossed them behind his head, forcing his overburdened chest far out, and - with the expert little wiggles of his swollen hips that could only result from many years of practice - sent his vast knockers spinning enthusiastically in opposite directions, his pink little nipples jiggling and wobbling chaotically.

The other Bimbos put their little toothpick arms behind their heads to reciprocate, as per custom, and soon every big, firm pair of Bimbo-tits in sight was thrust hard out and revolving in response...

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