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5. Uniform

4. Mrs. Akatter

3. Go look for it.

2. Weirdness at School...

1. You Are What You Wish

Some Unexpected Changes...

on 2010-03-22 05:17:02
Episode last modified by Melody on 2018-02-04 04:09:49

4266 hits, 236 views, 5 upvotes.

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"What on Earth are you wearing, Boy?" she asked in confusion. "Is this a dare or something?"
Jon glanced down at himself in horror, but...
He was still wearing his school uniform: shirt... tie... pants... they all looked exactly the same.
A sudden horrible thought hit him: what if something had changed without his noticing! That was the way that the Stone normally worked, after all.
But, wait, then how did Mrs. Akatter...?
He glanced back up and gasped.
The elderly teacher was suddenly completely different. She towered over him, her figure infinitely more angular and lean than she had been a moment earlier. She was wearing a conservative tweed suit and sported a close-cropped hairstyle.
"You look ridiculous in that get-up!" she tut-tutted, her voice much harder than it had been. "Schoolboys these days! You have such a pretty figure, why hide it?"
Jon glanced down again in confusion, and...
He did look ridiculous!
Everything was suddenly much too big for him. His pants were bunched around his ankles, his sleeves dangled down long past his hands, he could have stepped right out of his shoes.
Everything was so loose and...
No, wait! Not everything was too big for him. He reached a sleeve-wrapped hand up and poked at the weird tightness straining against his shirt.
What was that? It felt so unpleasantly, crushing tight against his shirt...
"Yes, I don't doubt that that's pretty uncomfortable for you." the new Mrs. Akatter said, somehow looking even taller than before. "Let me help you with that, Sugar."
With a peculiar leer on her face, her suddenly large and coarse hands reached down and yanked at Jon's shirt.
Buttons flew everywhere as the straining shirt burst open.
And out popped...
Jon gaped and struggled to keep his balance as he stared at the two largest, most impossibly well-formed tits he'd ever seen in his life dancing before him.
He threw his dainty little hands to them, gasping at the sensation as his fingers caressed his firm young bosoms and brushed against the cherry-sized pink nipples jiggling atop them.
He shrieked, and then, horrified at how it had sounded, tried to speak.
"Mmm...My voice!" he piped in the softest, girliest little helium voice imaginable.
A thin strand of long, blonde hair fell against his face.
"Whhh... What's happening...?" he peeped.
He looked up pleadingly at Mrs. Akatter, desperately needing someone, anyone to dispel his confusion.
She looked even larger than before - as did everything else.
"There!" she beamed down at him patronisingly. "Don't you feel a lot better when you're dressed up in the right uniform like a good little boy should be?"
And suddenly Jon, gazing about in confusion, caught a glimpse of his reflection in a glass door.
"No!" he cooed through his big, painted, pouty lips.
She was the girliest girl he had ever seen - huge, crystal blue eyes, shimmering blonde hair in two immense pigtails that reached down to below where her big creamy ass popped out below a wispy little joke of a plaid microskirt. Impossibly HUGE breasts straining perkily against her tiny white crop-top and lacy pink bra, see-through white stockings that only reached 3/4 of the way up her long, coltish legs from her adorably clunky 'schoolgirl' platform shoes.
Her face was all surprised innocence and big bimbo eyes.
"No!" Jon moaned again as he glanced down at his changed body.
He couldn't see anything below the vast jiggling mass of creamy cleavage that dominated his otherwise delicate little chest.
Desperately, he thrust one of his girly little hands into his tiny skirt and found...
Now he was really confused.
His penis was still there: as tiny as a baby's and as soft as jelly (in fact, he found that he could easily squash it completely flat between his fingers), but definitely still there.
What was happening?
"Now, boy, don't you have somewhere that you need to be?" the vast Mrs. Akatter intoned down to the tiny little Jon.
The boy tried to say something, but was turned around and sent back up the hall with a playful slap on his big, round ass.
Jon whimpered to himself as he minced daintily in his big new shoes, painfully aware of just how much he was unintentionally wiggling his hips and bum with every step.
What had happened?
Someone had gotten a hold of the stone - that much was obvious, but then why did he remember the changes?
The answer, when he realised it, made him go cold all over.
They must have wished for him to know what they were doing - they were toying with him.
And not just him... everything looked subtly different now. Just what had this wish done?
Mrs. Akatter seemed to not notice that anything was wrong - nor, he supposed, would anyone else.
He glanced briefly back at the old woman.
She was still standing in the hallway, her eyes shamelessly following every sexy little wiggle of his ripe, exposed ass.
He blushed and tried futilely to pull the ridiculous tiny little skirt down enough to cover something. The only cover that his girlish ass was getting was the little pink triangle of lacy pantie that was compressed between his tight, jiggling cheeks.
He tried to quicken his pace, but only succeeded in putting on more of a show.

Jon blushed furiously. He WOULD find out who did this...

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