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3. That Was Easy

2. A Magic Dollhouse

1. You Are What You Wish

That Was Easy

on 2009-07-18 18:12:49

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"Oh god! Karyn! Karyn!" Jon cradled Karyn's head and gently slapped at her face in a panicky effort to get her to open her eyes and speak to him. "Please come back Karyn. Come on wake up." In a moment of shocked silence, Jon heard a small voice and turned toward the dollhouse. Karyn's little rag doll was standing there and waving it's arms.

"Jon! Jon! It's me Jon! I'm OK!" Karyn continued waving and yelling from the balcony of the dollhouse. It was strange. She could see that her arms were merely cloth and stuffing, but everything felt normal. Finally after she felt like she was going horse, she got Jon's attention.


"Yes I'm Karyn. Who else would I be? It looks like the dollhouse brings toys to life by transferring a persons essence into them."

"That's just great." Jon felt silly talking to an animated rag doll. "So how do you get back? Should I try the stone?" Jon plucked the stone from Karyn's limp body and held it out open handed toward the little rag doll for emphasis.

"No Jon!" Karyn was adamant that Jon not use the stone just yet. She wasn't sure that she could stop him in time, until the strangest thing happened. The stone dissolved into a multicolored sparkling mist, shot straight into the dollhouse, and silently exploded with no visible result remaining.

"What the hell just happened," Jon gasped!

"I'm not entirely sure, but I have a theory."

"It better be a real good theory or we're both in a lot of trouble. You're a rag doll, and I have a comatose girlfriend in my room."

"Girlfriend Jon? Really?"

"Um ... look ... You know what I mean. Stop changing the subject!"

"OK OK. This is my little witch doll," Karyn said pointing to herself. "I'm thinking it, or me, or that is I ... I am a witch, as in magic powers. I think that when I wanted to stop you from using the stone, my powers somehow snatched it away from you. I presume it's somewhere somehow in the dollhouse, unfortunately I don't actually know where it went." Holding her little stuffed hand out, Karyn concentrated on making the stone appear. All she got was a slight headache.


"Sorry, no stone, but I feel certain it's here somehow. Let me try something else."

Jon watched as raggedy Karyn stared at the little side table on the dollhouse balcony for nearly a minute. Just when he thought that things had taken a turn for the worse, Raggedy Karyn gasped and sank to her knees. Simultaneously a tiny little white cube of a box with a mushroom shaped red button on top appeared on the table. It looked like a doll sized version of those "EASY" buttons from the stationary store commercials, only instead of saying 'Easy' on the button, it was some kind convoluted flowing gold script that made your eyes go wonky to look at it.

"Phew! That was harder than I expected," Raggedy Karyn said as she stood back up and wiped at her cloth brow. "Now to see if it works!" Raggedy Karyn stepped over to the table and pushed the hand sized, to her, button down. The result was that she burst into a doll shaped cloud of sparkles and disappeared.

Jon looked down to see Karyn now smiling up from his lap where he still held her head cradled.

"I'm back, safe and sound. See?" Karyn sat up and held out the little witch doll in her hand.

"Thank god you're alright! Uh, there's just one little problem. I hate to even mention it. I know it's trivial but ... Where's The Stone?"

"Wellllll ..... I'm sure it's in the dollhouse in some fashion. We'll just have to go in and look for it."

"Why can't we just dump everything out?"

"I don't know why I know, I just know that won't work. No worries though. We have the exit button now."

Jon couldn't understand why Kary thought that this was something fun, but he really had no choice if he wanted to get the stone back.

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