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156. Faulty Upgrades

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144. Surly Keith

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Fighting in the Streets

avatar on 2022-11-25 15:45:48

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Getting up from the bed, he was hunched over. 10-001 looked at him. "What's wrong!?" he asked his friends. 05-001 was breathing irregularly. "M-my nanites. They're squirming around in my tummy." he said with a frown. That got 10-001's full attention. "Really!? Why?" he asked. 05-001 winced and said "If I knew why, I'd stop it. It kind of hurts." That was a logical response. One that probably needed a practical solution. "Run a diagnostic on it." he said. 05-001 nodded and stilled himself and closed his eyes. It lasted a minute. He looked startled and said "'Artificial Womb Creation... 83%!?' 'Semen Retention Protocol'? I don't want that stuff!" he said. "Cancel it!" 10-001 angrily snapped at his fellow AEP unit. 05-001 closed his eyes and said "It's not working! I'm locked out from using the kill command!" "Purge it. It can't grow outside of you. That will have to abort the program. 05-001 grunted in pain as he pressed his hand against his body. Slowly but surely, he reached inside of himself and pulled out a lump of gray nanites. It looked like an almost formed womb. 05-001 threw it in disgust.

It had looked extremely painful. 10-001 was still under me. I not been massaging him because I was watching 05-001. Now he curled over and began to groan in pain. It made him look pitiful. He did a diagnostic run on himself and said "'Damn it! Artificial Womb Creation... 98.3%!?' 'Semen Retention Protocol?' Who the hell asked for that crap!?" I had a guess why this was happening, but I was not going to say it to them. "Purge it now!" 05-001 warned. By the time he could pull anything out, he had a round ball. "The last thing I need is a human's semen inside me." "... But the womb." 05-001 reminded him. 10-001 reached inside himself again and purged the artificial gray womb. "That should d-" was all he got out before he doubled over again. "No way!" he snapped as he ran another diagnostic. "The organ is permanent!? This can't be happening to me. I don't want a womb!" Neither of them were pregnant now. They got rid of their ability to carry my child. Although, it seems that now that the womb had been fully created, it was now just as fixed inside as the big toxic organ in his body.

Both of them were commiserating together. "I also have an organ for collecting semen after sex." 05-001 said unhappily. I used that moment to sneak myself over to the door. I got it opened before they both glared at me. They were too late. I was out the door and down the hall before they could rearrange the nanites of their bodies to look like clothes again. I was able to make a clean get away and clear the hotel. Once I was out, I hid in the side streets and made my way over to the Red Grind. I had to relay the information that I got. Both AEP units were going to be coming after me as soon as they figured out where I was. It was their mission to kill all the humans in the clan. That meant Paul, Brett and me. I made it and told all the clan members that were not preforming at the moment not to let anyone in. I let them know of the threat. I would be so pissed of one of them let the bad guys in the club. Paul was there at the club, so I told him everything. He got up and cracked his muscles. "I get it now. Looks like it's time to play rough with the other clans." he said. We went outside.

As we waited, we saw them turn the corner. They ran up to us and stopped 10 yards away from us. 10-001 was behind 05-001 and he laughed. 10-001 said "It's finally a good time to take you both out. No human can withstand our ultimate team attack!" he gloated. 05-001's chest opened up and a large water hose nozzle appeared. That was pretty cool. 10-001's palms opened to reveal a pair of smaller nozzles. They both blasted us with a torrent of a combination of highly pressurized cold water and hot toxic sludge. Paul got in front of me. Obviously, he could withstand it. He then began to walk towards them. That scared the shit out of them. "Add more pressure in your output!" 10-001 said. "I-I'm trying!" he snapped as Paul stumbled closer. When he got to them, he reached out at grabbed 10-001's hands and crushed the nozzles. The pressure backed up and his arms exploded. Paul then put his arm back and punched the water spraying nozzle. The blow back caused an explosion that knocked both of them back several feet. I ran to them and Paul followed me. They were both stunned.

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