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45. Passing Easily

44. First Stage

43. Chunin Exams

42. Fighting Chihiro

41. Adulthood

40. Chihiro In the House

39. Juro and Akita

38. Waking Up

37. Cold Feet

36. Akita and Natsuji

35. Some Progress

34. The Fitting

33. A Tradition

32. Marriage Proposal

31. Clan Mission 10

30. Mission Aftermath

29. Clan Meeting

28. Kazuya Returns

27. The Elder

26. Clan Mission 9

Taking in the Scrolls

avatar on 2022-11-19 13:09:35
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2023-07-21 20:48:42

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He jumped from wall to wall to wall in quick succession. When Hibiki was clear of the pit, we all cheered for him. That was really an impressive feat of athletic skill. He smiled bright as we all held him and pat him on the back and his shoulders. I took the scroll and held it out to Rin and Asahi. "There is more than enough glory to go around over here. We need to keep this safe. One of you should hide it inside your bodies." I said. They looked at each other and played a round of rock, paper, scissors. The pair was matched for 3 times before Asahi won. He went up to me and took the scroll. He popped a squat right there and lowered his waistband. Shoving it in his ass took some time and deep breathing. It was thicker than he was used to taking up there. When he was done, he was still uncomfortable. He did not look like he could move as quick with it inside him. "Izayoi, carry him on your back. You 2 are the hope of our squad. Do not let go of the scroll for any reason. Even if I die, don't do it. Just run. Understand?" I instructed. They looked awed by the bluntness. They nodded.

With 2 scrolls in tow, we had the qualifications to leave the catacombs and pass this stage. When we got to the end, we saw a murderous looking mob there. I knew the blue square with a multitude of blue squares within it. The criminals would eat these green kids alive. I whispered to Asahi "Play dead." He got the hint and went limp. It was really convincing. Keisuke told us to wait. "I think we should adpat the same strategy." he said. He took the scroll and gave it to Kyoko. "Please hide it inside you." he asked. She nodded and took it in her pussy. I did not know how. I then arranged them so Eiko was carrying a limp Kyoko. Goro and Rukuro would be escorting them as shinobi. "This is the mock team. If we can sneak you past the mob, both our squads will pass this stage. The rest will pretend to be defeated and regroup later after leaving at a different exit." I told them. Everyone was okay with the plan. "We walked up to them and a ninja said "Halt." Another shifty eyed male said "We are from the illustrious Yotochi Clan. Give us your scrolls. Your valuables too." I just looked at them all.

That was a major clan. I did not know if we could take them on with our numbers and skill level. I looked at our guys. Half of them looked nervous. Another 2 were fully resigned to be discovered and beaten. I had to save this, or we would never take it past this stage. "I know that you're not all bad men. Honorable clans have immense mercy for the minor clans that yield. We are from Kirume Clan. Our comrades got hurt with some of the traps in the catacombs. We want to get them treated. That's all we want! We didn't get a single clue where a scroll could be hiding. I know we can't all go but can our wounded pass!?" I begged. They looked at us and then each other for a bit. The leader shrugged. "Fine! Pat them down for valuables and then let them go." he ordered. We thanked them as the 6 were pat down. Once they were able to pass by them the Yotochi ninja looked at us. "It seems like you are a mix of kunoichi and shinobi. Any kunoichi left to entertain us?" the leader asked. "Sorry. We sent them off." I said. "It's all shinobi here." Keisuke added. The other ninja sucked their teeth.

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