"Come Senators, Congressmen, please heed the call..."
The lyrics caught Jon's ear in the isolated school hallway and he turned towards their source. With the extra time he had that he couldn't spend watching dreams he didn't have on video, Jon had gotten to school early and there was almost nobody there.
But standing in front of the girl's locker room was Sarah McMillan. Sort of. She was dressed downright shabbily, especially by her usual standards. But she was humming.
"For the times, they are a-changin..."
Jon came up to her. "Is that Dylan you're singing?"
Sarah looked up, brought out of her calm reverie. "I don't know why, I just started listening to him this morning. I really like his music."
Jon pulled his backpack off his shoulder and said "Here, borrow my iPod, I've got practically all of Dylan's albums on there."
Jon handed the device to Sarah, who let her hand linger on his. "Thanks."
Why was Jon so suddenly attractive, wondered Sarah. Maybe it was because he was more comfortable around her today. Maybe because she was more approachable? More down to earth, and not pristine like usual?
Not really realizing it, Sarah leaned in to kiss Jon, and he returned it, and Sarah decided that she would dress casually like this more often.
But then Coach Barry, the girl's gym coach, stepped into the hallway, and Sarah awkwardly broke the kiss, said goodbye, and slipped into the locker room.