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34. The Fitting

33. A Tradition

32. Marriage Proposal

31. Clan Mission 10

30. Mission Aftermath

29. Clan Meeting

28. Kazuya Returns

27. The Elder

26. Clan Mission 9

25. Clan Mission 8

24. Clan Mission 6 and 7

23. Yasu Leaves

22. Clan Mission 5

21. Clan Mission 4

20. Clan Mission 3

19. Clan Mission 2

18. Clan Warfare

17. Akaime Activity

16. Clan Mission 1

15. Ninja Family

Efude Naderu Yoru Ceremony

avatar on 2022-11-16 20:12:21

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Furthermore, there would be a consummation ceremony. It was not part of the Japanese tradition, but more of the world's spin on it. After wedding day, that night we would be taken to a room in the shrine with a bridal bed. It would have chairs around it. Members of each family would observe the consummation. There were a minor ninja clan. Marriage was pointless if they could not get strong heirs from it. Especially the Kirime family. They needed more ninja members to branch off into their own clan. Because Keisuke and I were both independent ninjas with no family members, we would be supporting each other. The day before the wedding, Keisuke would declare me his sworn brother. That had its own traditions. It also means that we would be taking turns for the consummation ritual. One would fuck their wife on the bed and the other would watch. Talk about a high-pressure situation. I was still a virgin, and I did not think I would do too well. I did not talk about lewd things generally and neither did Keisuke. We were going to the city, so I decided to ask him when we met by the storehouse.

I asked him. He looked at me like I was insane. "Of course not! All ninjas have experience by 15." I looked at him blanky. "Really!? Every single one!? By 15." I said very sarcastically. He nodded with all seriousness. "Yeah, you dummy! It's the Efude Naderu Yoru ceremony. I had mine in my village last year. That's the rite of passage into adulthood." I just looked at him blankly. "No way! You didn't do it." he asked in shock. I was taken aback. This might be more important that I initially thought. "You know that I'm a wanderer. I've... been wandering! I need some time to understand. Be patient with me!" I begged. He still did not look like he believed me. "Efude Naderu Yoru" meant "paintbrush stroking night". It was the night where a male ninja lost their virginity. After that, they were considered full adults to their clan or village. There was a similar event for female ninja as well. "Toryō Ni Hitasu" or "dipping into paint". That was for kunoichi. Whether they were male or female, the ninja would be penetrated by another ninja for the first time that day. That was a very intense custom for Nabari to have.

We had to go, so I said "Whatever. I don't need that stuff. I'm already a genin" He just crossed his arms. Keisuke shook his head and then snickered. I raised an eyebrow at him. "What's so funny!?" I asked. "You do know that it means that, in the eyes of the village, you're still a baby?" he teased. I did not raise to the bait. "Well, that's fine with me. I'm going to be married anyway, so things will work out." I said. "Yeah let's go, Nagisa-chan." he mocked. I did not like being talked down to. I was not going to take it. "By the way, how's the name search going, my friend!?" I asked. That shut him up really quick. Not only was he belittling me, but other clan members overhead it as well. The storehouse was a heavily trafficked area in the village. Rumors about me are going to probably spreading soon. "Let's just go." I said. We went over to the city at a ninja's pace. That cut down the travel time by half. As we entered the first stop was the tailor. We needed to be fitted so there would be enough time for the black kimonos to be made before the wedding. The tailor wanted to make it all very form fitting.

Marriage was not an everyday occurrence. Therefore, it was fine if it was a bit tight and showed off the goods at the moment. Once that was done for us, we decided to walk around the town for a bit. The common's park was a nice place to be. There was greenery and a small lake. Fuyumi and Hatsuka were going to be getting theirs separately. All we had do was wait in anticipation to see it. Keisuke was the one to get up and say "It's about time for us to go." I nodded as I got up. I stretched my back and yawned before I realized this was the perfect chance to check on Yasu. He had been here all this time. Keisuke was also pretty curious. We walked over to the shop in time for the door to open. Yasu walked out the door with a flower. He looked like he was enjoying himself. "Wait Yasu! That flower is still dangerous. The chemicals on it could make you ill!" the apothecary said. "Maybe I could show them how it really works when I return it to the sender." he said as he looked at it in the fading light of dusk. "There's no need for it. We just need to toss the bouquet out." the young man said.

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