Between 2 large boulders there was a dirt covered series of planks of wood. If you did not know where to look, we probably would have walked right pass it. The 3 ninja with me were Haruka Tanaka, Keisuke, Taiga Abiko. It was nice that they were all independent ninja. Keisuke walked towards the wood and put his ear to the wood. This was odd to me. He put a thumb up in the air. Haruka smiled and said "Looks like we have come to the right place." A masked man appeared out of nowhere. We were all on guard. "You have arrived. Our genin exam is ready for you to challenge. There is an obstacle course, a test of strength and a fight with a genin. If you can pass all 3, you may take the rank of genin." he said. He then raised his arms and the planks of wood fell away. What was left was a large underground staircase. We then went down together and got ready for the exam. Once we got to the bottom. There were already several ninjas going around and doing standard ninja stuff. Taiga looked over at them and slammed his fist into his palm. "It's time to shine!" he grinned and walked ahead.
Meeting Others
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