'Deborah' looked to the door.
There, both Caroline and Carol stood. For this occasion, they had gone with matching outfits - orange t-shirts with a white stripe and matching skirts. Heels covered their feet, tapping loudly against the floor.
"How are you doing, dear?" Carol inquired, watching her mother do a double take. For a brief moment, Deborah swore she could hear Ash. But that was just silly. Ash was ten. This woman looked to be in her twenties, thirties even. There was no way that could be him.
"How are you feeling, mom?" Caroline greeted, both she and her sister taking the time to go in for a hug. While it felt strange on Deborah's end, she accepted the gesture.
"Mom?" Deborah whispered, the word sitting on her lips for a moment longer than she had expected. She had just a son, right? There was no way she could have a pair of daughters.
"Oh dear. It would seem you have lost your memory." Caroline explained and flashed a smile. Digging into her skirt pocket, out came a pair of headphones. "A listen should set you straight."