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10. Plan to beat the Collective

9. Information about the Parasite

8. It Didn't Work

7. Wish The Parasites Away.

6. Why the Parasite is Here?

5. Alien Parasite

4. She's an Alien

3. Jon's Mom Has a Secret

2. a bit of knowledge

1. You Are What You Wish

Plan to beat the Collective

on 2015-12-04 00:13:03

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Jon told Karyn what he had just learned about the Collective.

"That's disgusting, they mutate the people they infect!" Karyn exclaimed in


"I know, but right now we need to think of a plan to stop the invasion." replied


"First I think we need a way to defend ourselves without alerting the Collective,

or hurting the Hosts." Karyn said. "I got it! Jon hand me the Stone."

"What are you going to wish for?" Jon said as he handed the Stone over.

"Watch. I wish that me and Jon both had devices that could tell us whose

infected and whose not."

Suddenly two objects the size of cellphones appeared on Jon's desk. Each device

had two lights, one red the other green.

"See here Jon, the light will flash green if a persons uninfected and it will

flash red if they are infested with a Parasite." Karyn pridefully exclaimed.

"Good job Karyn we can find out whose infected, and then follow them to the

Queens nest. Then we can find a way to destroy it." Said Jon.

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