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9. Information about the Parasite

8. It Didn't Work

7. Wish The Parasites Away.

6. Why the Parasite is Here?

5. Alien Parasite

4. She's an Alien

3. Jon's Mom Has a Secret

2. a bit of knowledge

1. You Are What You Wish

More Information about the Parasites

on 2015-12-03 23:53:39

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More information about the Invaders flooded into Jon's mind. He learned that the

Parasites were known as the Slith Collective. The Slith Collective consisted of

three tiers. The Hive Queen, a fleshy, tentacled Mass that grew larger and more

intelligent with each human it's parasites infested. The Warriors, large semi-

intelligent beasts that looked like Xenomorphs. It was their job to protect the

Queen at all costs, eventually as the combined intelligence of the Slith grew

they would gain full sapience. Finally the Parasites, which looked like large

green slugs and their Hosts, who would be used as subservient and fanatically

loyal slaves, pets, and breeders. Jon Learned that the ultimate goal of the

Slith Collective was to infect every human on Earth allowing the Hive Queen to

grow large enough to combine itself with the planet transforming it into a Slith

Hive World, and then send out more Queens to repeat the process on other worlds.

Jon discovered that the Hive Queen on Earth was still young and that the

invasion was only in it's early stages, and that their was only around a dozen

Warriors and several dozen infected Slaves.

What disturbed Jon the most is how the Parasites infected their Hosts and what

influence they had on their minds and bodies. While the Parasite did not

directly control the body and actions of its Host it could influence their mind

and beliefs. So while Jon's Mom still loved him She believed that it would be

the best thing for him to be infected with a Parasite so he could serve the

Collective with her. Jon discovered that the Parasites could only infect a human

through anal or vaginal penetration because the bacteria in a humans mouth was

deadly to a young Parasite. As the Collective became more powerful the Parasite

could mutate it's host so that they gained increased strength and speed. More

disturbingly Jon learned that the Parasite could mutate the Hosts in ways that

would help infect other people. A Hosts body became extremely sensitive and

horny and they prefer to go without cloths when there are no uninfected around.

At the Queens nest Slaves partake in large group orgies for the pleasure of the


Infected girls will gain a cock-like ovipositioner which is hidden within

their vagina. Girls wombs mutate so they can incubate and store more Parasites

to infect other people with. Girls breasts will grow slightly larger and can

lactate at will.

Boys will gain a pussy hidden behind their balls and a womb to not only

incubate and store Parasites, but also human children. Boys will gain small

easily hidden breasts that can lactate on command.

Jon learned that bodily fluids like cum and breast milk can act as an

aphrodisiac and sedative that can be used to subdue new Slaves. Jon also learned

that Slaves would act more promiscuous and slutty in public, refusing to wear

undergarments, wearing suggestive cloths, and crossdressing for boys. Jon also

learned that the Slave-Hosts would most likely congregate together, such as a

new club at school, so they could plan and better serve their Queen.

The Most important thing that learned was that the only way to stop the invasion

and free the slaves is to kill the Hive Queen. Destroying it will kill the

Parasites. He just has to do it before it becomes to large and intelligent.

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