What in the world was up with these graphics? The other Monika's looked like balloon painted sprites or something, you weren't really sure how to interpret it exactly.
Their neutral pose and grin gave the unsettling feeling that they weren't really, thinking much outwardly or gazing at you at all, not unlike rubber statues would stand in total
indifference. But as you made the poem and read the creepy quote, you felt as if there was some kind of presence from the other side, it was a bit eerie. Maybe this is why
they signed you onto the game? Whatever the reason..You continue to go thru it, talking thru her dialog and boring poetry, not really your thing at all. Once in a while the fly
buzzes around but you ignore it, you don't even see when it flies into your coke, gross under any circumstances if you'd have actually seen it. Worst of all with this game it
seems to make you repeat portions, but they're all identical, just Monika. You play thru the other gleaming Monika facsimiles and their paths which, on a quick notion seem
to be nothing more than copied paths from the first Monika, although sometimes the periods, grammar and wording is different. It's almost like you're playing some bizarre
google translate or, listening to a game NPC talk over and over on repeat.
Which pretty much was what they were anyway? Still, compared to Monika it felt, different.
Uncomfortably different, as if they were trying to spell out some coded message of sorts.
You take a sip of your coke, drinking the whole thing fresh and gag when something bulges your throat for just a moment, before going down and reaching your stomach to
be digested. Slowly your body starts to feel oddly, tingly. "Enough, this game is so repetitive. And given that quote earlier, it seems to think that's actually a good thing."
You weren't going to pretend to jive with this pseudo-pretend deep symbolism or whatever it all meant, you were done. As you move your hand however, digital looking
traces of light and lines start to move throughout your wrist and arms. Your own hand struggles against you as you attempt to hit the exit, what the hell? You cannot,
control your arm? Or any of your body, having to struggle and fight against it. That's when you hear an influx of laughter from your monitor. Why is the text moving, you
didn't even click anything! And yet, there she is.. Monika is talking all by herself. Is it a pre-recorded video clip, a game mechanic? No, her sprite is definitely looking at
you."HahhahahaHAHA. You humans are so silly, it's flattering you enjoyed me so much you wanted to play with me 4x times over. But I'm the only girl you need now."
The other Monika dolls gather around her and she huddles them like trophies.
"The only girl.. you need to be."Just Monika.