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115. Miss Wright Gets It

114. Returning to School

113. Sabrina is Uncharacteristicall

112. Behind the Gym

111. Wrong School Again

110. The Kids in Class

109. Tiffany Gives Nadine a Lift

108. Tiffany Wants a Future With th

107. The Ferguson Household

106. Melissa's Changes Come to An E

105. Does Gena have an Idea?

104. Tyler Puts On Kyla's Clothing

103. A love triangle

102. Back on the Trail

101. Athena Through Tyler Glow Too

100. Fixing the Broken Chain

99. Linda Flirts With Her Boss Gar

98. Gina Figures it Out

97. Kamiko Meshida

96. Sabrina Strips

Musical Closets Variation: Miss Wright Gets it

on 2022-10-24 01:13:00
Episode last modified by The Guest on 2022-11-27 22:12:48

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A few minutes later, Simon opened the door to the main office, a whole group in tow. "What is going on?" The secretary said.

"These students were in the hall without a pass, so I brought them here. I need to see Principal Smith," he said. He'd lost Sabrina, but found a lot of kids weren't in class.

Nadine Ferguson, Mikey Gibson, 'Billy' Ross, and Jay Duncan all looked confused, and somewhat embarrassed.

"Well, the principal is finishing up a call. Why don't you all sit down on that bench and she'll see you when she's done?"

Simon sat on the bench, annoyed. Margot was not taking him seriously again.

As he sat there, Stephanie Wright walked in. She'd had a busy day, not just of classes, but of having to take students over to the middle school....which none of them had been able to adequately explain. "Simon," she said, looking there. "What are you doing sitting there?" She asked.

"Things are out of control around here. All these students are in the hall, without a pass, and aren't in class where they belong," he said.

=Not again with this,= she thought. The man definitely needed a vacation. He was wound way too tight. " about you go focus on yourself. I'll take care of this..."

"This all started with Sabrina...She was skipping out on school...and she pulled a prank on me."

"Sabrina Johnson? Simon...I'm not sure what your vendetta is against her...but I don't think it was her. I saw her going to class only a few minutes ago."

"What?" He said, getting up. "Thanks for taking care of these four for me." He hurried off.

She shook her head. And he thought Sabrina was a troublemaker? Simon was the real troublemaker.

She looked at the four of them. "And why aren't you in class?" She asked Mikey first. "I mean....first you disappeared this morning...did it happen again?"

"No...something weird is happening..." he looked up at her. She looked older...and much more professional.

She paused, suspecting something. "How many of you blacked out and woke up somewhere else?" She asked them.

They all reluctantly agreed. And that probably explained the middle school kids ending up over here, now that she thought about it. Was there some sort of weird epidemic? She wondered if she should take Mikey and get out of here until whatever this was passed.

"Well, if it was that, we can't exactly punish you for it, if so many people experienced it today. I want you to head back to your classes, and if any other side effects happen, I want you to tell me, or the Principal..I'll brief her on this."

They all nodded.

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