"You want to talk to Zoë know?" Athena said pulling out the necklace
"Yes, I'm just sorry it's not that easy with Karyn"
Athena put the necklace on
"Jon it's been awhile" Zoë said in Athena's body "You Idiot" she said calmly and slapped Jon.
"It's good to talk to you to" Jon said "I'm sorry"
"It's not so bad Jon but Athena usually puts the necklace around her cat"
Jon suppressed a chuckle "So you spend most of your time as Biff Meadows"
"Yes" Zoë said a bit peeved "But still I don't really get why Biff and Sara are the only two who aren't infectious"
"Sara keeps insulting me every chance she gets, It figures she became a parakeet" Jon said as both she and Zoë chuckled. Then Jon suddenly stopped.
"Zoë Karyn's coming out" Jon said as Zoë removed the Necklace.
Jon's eyes shifted from the normal brown to Karyn's shade of green
"Lil sis 's been a long time" Jon now Karyn said
Athena back in control started to cry