"Since your broke the rules I think you need some kind of punishment" Lucifer said, placing one of his hands over Jon's chest. The moment he touched his clothes, blue flames erupted from that spot, covering him extremely fast.
Horrorized, the first reaction of Jon was to pat on the flames without success, before realizing they weren't hurting him. Shocked, he watched that instead of consuming his clothes but actually changing it as they ran through. In a matter of seconds, Jon was in the middle of the empty hall wearing a tight top and a pleated mini skirt, all in the school colours. He was wearing a cheerleader outfit!
He grabbed Jon by the throat lifting him up and leaving him fighting to breath.
"Consider this like a little warning" Lucifer grinned, "This is just a little game for my amusement, and I assure you..." he lifted Jon more, causing him to wriggle in his outfit "...You tell anyone else a thing and I'll do something so horrible you're going to wish you were never born!"
With that, he let go off Jon's neck, who fell on the floor, grasping for air.
"If I were you I would fix it quickly, people sure are going to notice all that" he laughed, vanishing.
Jon just stood where he had fall, grasping his hurting throat, trying to take note of the changes.
"A cheerleader outfit?" Jon thought, "kind of humiliating, but nothing that's going to make me use the damn stone..."
He got up, cursing and coughing at the same time. His mind kind of racing, he thought of where he could go and where to get new clothes. If only Karyn were with him... he would have to find her later.
After some deliberation, he thought of his gym clothes, there in the gym, and began heading there, but he didn't make a couple of steps before hearing some people ahead, coming from the corner he had to take to go to the gym. With only a couple of seconds away of being discovered, he practically dived into the nearest bathroom.
Looking around Jon realized his mistake, not seeing any urinaries. With the hurry, he got inside the girls bathroom! Quickly, he hid inside one of the stalls, moments before the door opened. Sighing with relief, Jon couldn't expect what he heard next.
"Hey, you! I know you are here, come out of there!" said the familiar voice. It was...