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3. Chronivac: The Next Generation

2. Chronivac Version 4.0

1. The Drafting Board

Chronivac: The Next Generation

on 2022-10-21 14:27:46
Episode last modified by The Guest on 2022-10-22 02:51:09

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_ (Author's Note: It isn't 1999 anymore...originally thought the Chronivac needed an upgrade to omit CD-ROMs, however, this was better I thought...)_

TransDem Labs developed the last and final version of the Chronivac system in 2002. The product was never commercially sold. The company was still pre-revenue. But yet, by the time the current year rolled around, no one had ever even heard of the company, even those who had worked there. The problem with creating a machine that was capable of such changes was that people would use it. The net result was that, after the beta testing in 1999, the results concerned one of the employees so much he was able to do what the company had originally protected against...erasing the company from history entirely just after the 4.0 beta test boxes were mailed out.

The Chronivac system included a CD-ROM that contained the altering software, a portable emitter, and a USB connection to a PC. The portable emitter had all of the reality altering technology, however, it needed a computer to allow access to all the higher functions and additional computing power, so all it could do was store simple programs to be run. Of course, had development continued, they might have been able to make a version paired to a mobile devices, or even a cloud version, but those programmers ceased to exist, or at least ceased to remember ever having built the device.

Connected to a computer the Chronivac program could change almost anything imaginable both physically and mentally. The creators had put in a list of preset packages and interfaces, many of which hadn't been fully tested before they ceased to be. Some were limited by home computer technology....but it was now years later.

Unfortunately, completely erasing the Chronivacs proved somewhat difficult. 2002 was not pre-internet, but it was much less prevalent than later on. As a result, the Chronivacs operated mostly independently. People not remembering they existed or believing it if they saw the box meant they were left in boxes in storage rooms and basements, thrown out, or otherwise ignored. Then CD-ROM drives started to vanish...creating another problem. But yet, they still popped out from whatever place non-existent items went to after they were erased from history.

The postal service often defies the rules of reality, so when a sealed box was found that had apparently been mislaid at a sorting facility was found, the post office did what it always does in such delivered it...years late, to the address listed. And fortunately or not, the person who received it was curious enough to find a portable CD-ROM drive, hook it up to a computer, and try it out.

This is their story.

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