Andrew was preparing breakfast. He hadn't thought much about why or who the breakfast was for, just that it was the task assigned to him. He was also doing it expertly...something previously beyond the 16 year old, who could normally find a way to burn water. As the food cooked, he took out a plate, cup, utensils, and a napkin and laid them on the table, the napkin perfectly folded. He took a smaller cup, went to the refrigerator, and filled it with orange juice. Placing the juice on the counter for a moment, he put away the container.
He turned, bringing the juice to the table, and paused, seeing someone sitting in the chair and mentally froze, taking in the individual sitting there. It was the Maidbot...but wearing jeans and a t-shirt...not a uniform, a normal person sitting for breakfast except for the collar.
Andrew, after a moment, put the juice down, and spoke....his mind suddenly returning from whatever zoned out place it had been. "What are you doing? Why are you just sitting there?"
The MaidBot stopped eating and looked at Andrew, and replied in a voice that sounded exactly like the one that had come at of his own mouth...although it seemed to be a bit less neutral than it was previously. "I'm waiting for breakfast," she said, taking the juice and drinking it. It was said in the same tone one might say, "The sky is blue." It just...was.
"Breakfast is nearly ready," he responded.
She didn't respond, instead using the phone he recognized as his to scroll through messages, taking a moment to acknowledge a message from a contact designated Mom, asking if everything was all right, and advising it was.
"Can I have that phone?"
"I don't accept verbal commands from you. Are you malfunctioning?" The Maidbot's word choice had changed. Yesterday, she'd calculated that he was malfunctioning, now she was asking.
"I am functioning correctly," Andrew replied..
"Then finish preparing breakfast," she said, firmly.
He turned and went back to the stove to fetch the food, placing it in front of her. "Breakfast is ready. Please enjoy..."
She didn't even respond to him, and proceeded to ignore him entirely.
"I am designated Maidbot Zero One, if you require any further assistance."