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3. What? The Boob Fairy's Real?

2. Karyn Tries to Adjust

1. You Are What You Wish

What? The Boob Fairy's Real?

on 2009-01-08 15:22:45
Episode last modified by Noy2222 on 2018-04-26 20:24:00

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Meanwhile, at Jon's house...

As Jon's family sat down over dinner, Zoe, Jon's goth younger sister, said, "I see Karyn got a visit from the Boob Fairy last night."

"Zoe," said their mom, Susan. "That is not decent dinner table talk. Especially in front of Mikey." Mikey was Jon's eight year old brother.

"What?" asked Zoe. "My friend, Athena, got a visit from the Boob Fairy last night, too, and now she has to buy all new bras and stuff because she's almost twice as 'big' now. She says that her back won't stop hurting because of the weight."

"What's a Boob Fairy?" asked Mikey.

"I'll tell you when you're older," said their mom. Mikey sulked. He never got to do anything because of his age. And why were there so many things that older people got to talk about that he couldn't?

"You've been very quiet tonight, Jon," said his mom.

Jon realized he had been quiet. Boob Fairy? he thought. I thought that was a legend or a joke. "Its just that Karyn said the same thing this morning. How everything she owns is too small and how her back hurts and stuff."

"Well," said his mother. "It certainly would explain what she was wearing today. If the ahem 'Feminine Fairy' had visited her last night, she wouldn't have had time to get new clothes."

Dinner ended and Jon went up to his room and found the wishing stone. "I wish I knew about the Boob Fairy and how Karyn's wish related to it." There was a flash and suddenly, Jon knew. Karyn's wish had created a new reality. In this reality, women did not develop breasts on their own during puberty. Only a visit by the Boob Fairy would cause a woman to develop breasts. The Boob Fairy would come at night and apply a type of pixie dust that would induce rapid breast development over the next few hours. The more dust, the more development that occurred. The fairy could even come back multiple times to the same woman and increase her bust size as many times as she wanted. Sometimes a woman got 'missed' by mistake and never developed breasts at all. Suggesting otherwise would be considered ridiculous in this reality. As a result, Karyn was not remembered as 'always' having large breasts, but rather having a smaller chest and getting a 'visit' from the Boob Fairy that gave her her larger chest.

Jon called up Karyn. "I was just about to call you, Jon," she said. "Have you heard anything about a 'Boob Fairy' tonight? My mom says I got a visit from her last night. Some of the Boob Fairy's pixie dust got on my Mom too, and now she's getting bigger also. We both had to go buy new clothes tonight."

"I did," said Jon. "Zoe said that you must have gotten a 'visit' the other night and that one of her friends did too."

"Maybe this is our way out, Jon," said Karyn. "If we wish that there was no Boob Fairy, maybe my breasts would go down to normal with no other logical reason for them to have gotten bigger. That wouldn't contradict the original wish, would it? I mean, it would allow for my breasts getting bigger, by giving a cause for my breast growth, but by eliminating the cause, it would eliminate the growth."

"Maybe," said Jon. "Or it might take away your breasts entirely, and everyone else's for that matter. Apparently, in this reality, the only way a woman can get breasts is through the Boob Fairy. Breasts don't develop 'naturally' any other way. Take her away, and maybe breasts go away with her."

"I didn't think of that possibility," said Karyn. "We'll have to be careful not to make things worse for everyone else while trying to make them better for me."

"And there's another question that needs to be answered," said Jon.

"Let me guess," said Karyn. "Did my wish create only the Boob Fairy, or did other things get created too?"

"Yeah. I was afraid you'd think of that," said Jon. And he was. Could even the wishing stone create only one supernatural creature, or would the existence of the Boob Fairy create a sort of 'vacuum' that would have to be filled by other, similar, creatures? His wish only dealt with the Boob Fairy, not with anything else. Jon was afraid they were going to find out.

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