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26. Excellent Progress

25. A Few Days Later

24. The Third Client

23. Ms. Fine Intensifies the Chang

22. The Car

21. Dinner at the McMillans

20. Sarah Stays Home

19. Linda is Late

18. The next morning

17. Finishing up for the evening

16. Tidying up before bed

15. Time For Bed

14. The McMillans Need Help

13. Dinner Time

12. Laundry

11. Miss Fine Meets Her Next Clien

10. Setting up the next visit

9. Finishing up

8. Time Loss

7. Studying Jon

The Cleaner: Excellent Progress

on 2022-10-16 02:05:11

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Linda was in a foul mood by the time Jon and Zoe had picked her up that afternoon, and she veritably stomped into the house when they arrived. Work had been awful and even a little embarrassing. Not because anyone thought she looked weird (A visit from Ms. Fine to a student assembly and an all hands meeting at McMillan industries had helped to smooth things over for her clients) but rather because she'd messed up some rather important projections. The truth was, she kept fumbling with her calculations, and she couldn't figure out why. She had always been excellent at mathematics and in fact, couldn't understand why Jon had a consistent C average in the subject. However, for the past few days, the numbers just seemed to slip from her mind. She must just be distracted by her annoying new sleeping arrangements and wardrobe.

She was planning to head straight up to Zoe's room but a cough from behind her had her sighing and sitting down in the living room instead alongside Jon and Zoe. Ms. Fine had already let herself in and was sat sipping tea when they arrived. Almost automatically, the family took their own tea cups and looked to Ms. Fine, waiting for her to speak.

Ms. Fine was very pleased when she noticed the glinting rings on Jon's finger and the necklace around his neck; it was a very good sign that her clients were taking initiative to further the changes she'd already suggested. So far with the Gibsons, it seemed Jon was very receptive to the changes, Linda was somewhat resistant, and Zoe seemed fairly neutral. She turned to Linda, resistance was easily overcome after all.

"You look like you have something on your mind, Linda?" Ms. Fine asked.

"Yes." Linda began a bit hesitantly, "I understand I agreed to change wardrobes with Jon, but I'm beginning to regret it. I mean, just look at us! His clothes barely fit me and mine look ridiculous on a boy!"

Ms. Fine nodded, "So what you're saying is that your overall appearances need to be in line with your outfits?"

Linda nodded slowly, "I suppose, yes..."

Ms. Fine continued, "So it follows that you should help Jon look as womanly as possible so he can really get the full use out of his new wardrobe?"

Linda found herself agreeing despite herself, Jon patted her knee, "Thanks, dear."

Ms. Fine began writing out some notes, "Well there are quite a few things we can do to help with that. First off, I have a friend with a salon that can help with Jon's hair. We can have your hair cut off and converted into a high quality wig for him."

"My hair?" Linda asked, feeling strangely groggy.

"Yes, your hair will become Jon's hair. As for the rest, I have this." Ms Fine produced a small metal orb that she placed on the coffee table. "I want you to both hold this together every evening for fifteen minutes, it should start to help sort out the rest of the issues. However, I sense there's something else that's bothering you?"

Linda blinked, and tried to put her thoughts in order. For some reason having tea with Ms. Fine always seemed to blur and whiz by, but she remembered her trouble at work and spoke up, explaining the trouble with math she'd been having.

Jon giggled, "That's funny, I've actually been doing great in math class this last week."

Ms. Fine smiled and gestured to Jon, "Well there's a solution right there. You need to improve your mathematics, while Jon seems to already have a handle on it. Perhaps you should be attending class while he helps to cover for you at work?"

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