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45. DMU -Lydia’s breakfast

44. DMU - Day 2 begins

43. DMU - Dream On

42. DMU - Dream a little dream

41. DMU - A whole new experience

40. DMU - Simons new feelings

39. DMU - What’s on Laura’s mind?

38. DMU - an uneventful evening

37. DMU - Jon explores

36. DMU - Getting Home

35. DMU - the walk home

34. DMU - Lydia’s morning continue

33. DMU - Lydia’s Morning

32. DMU - Last patient

31. DMU - Yuki’s exam

30. DMU - next patient

29. DMU - the results are in

28. DMU - further examination

27. DMU - Question Time

26. DMU - Skip to Gym

DMU - Lydia’s breakfast

avatar on 2022-10-09 09:44:19
Episode last modified by MightyMrJ on 2022-10-09 11:32:29

3987 hits, 212 views, 2 upvotes.

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Lydia entered the kitchen and turned on the coffee pot. While it was heating up she poured herself a bowl of cereal finishing the box.

‘I’ll need to go buy some more later’ she thought to herself as she got the milk out of the fridge. Next she grabbed a can of Busters dog food and filled his bowl, setting it down on the counter along with his water dish. The little alarm on the coffee beeped and she poured herself a cup, adding the milk to her cereal, and the last few dregs in the carton to her drink.

“Looks like I’m running out of everything today boy” she smirked as she threw the emptied into the recycling. She was about to sit down when she felt a sudden need for the toilet. With a sigh she placed Buster’s food on the floor, and made her way to the back door. She unlocked it and headed outside. She was embarrassed at how used to this she was already having done it three more times the day before, and increasingly thankful of the complete privacy of her garden. She removed her sleep shorts and brew them back inside then walked out into the middle of the garden naked from the waist down. She got down on all fours, cocked her leg, and relieved herself. She got back to her feet, thankful that she had managed to avoid needing to do more than just pee so far, and walked back to the house.

She entered the kitchen again and closed the door behind her. She stopped down to pick up her shorts and spotted Buster licking his bowl clean, only it wasn’t his bowl. Somehow she had put her cereal down on the floor instead of his food without realising.

“Oh come on!” She said loudly, “now what am I supposed to do!” Buster looked up at her in surprise, then he glanced up at the counter where his bowl was still sat next to her coffee. She followed his gaze and shook her head.

“No, no, definitely not!” She snapped, “I’ll have to put some clothes on and go to the shop” she added as she put her shorts on the counter and picked up her coffee. She took a sip and nearly gagged. For some reason it tasted off to her. She was sure the milk was in date when she poured it. Gingerly she took a sniff, and recoiled, spilling half the cup on the floor. It wasn’t the milk, it was the coffee itself. The smell of it was too strong for her. She turned and threw the rest into the sink, and rubbed her nose as if to try and get the smell out. She took a few test sniffs, and another scent filled her nose, and caused her mouth to water. She looked around for the source, her nose in the air. Then she paused as she realised what she was smelling. Chicken, gravy, rice, carrots, it was the food in Busters bowl. As she locked in on it her stomach growled heavily.

“No, I can’t…” she began to mutter to herself as her mouth watered even more. She slowly moved over to the bowl and took another big sniff, and shuddered, it sneaky so good and she was really hungry. Without a second thought she grabbed the spoon she had set aside for her cereal and began to shovel the meat into her mouth. In seconds the bowl was empty, and the only remnants were a few smears of gravy around her mouth. Lydia sighed with satisfaction and plopped the bowl down into the counter again. She caught Buster starting at her.

“Oh don’t judge me” she said as she sat down on the floor to give him some more scratches. The cold feeling of tiles on her backside reminded her that she was still half naked.

“Better get dressed!” She said as she stood back up and grabbed her shorts from the counter. She went to pull them back on and froze. She held the shorts up and stared in disbelief. They had definitely shrunk since she had taken them off. Now she wouldn’t even be able to get her feet into the leg holes, let alone pull them up.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” She gasped.

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