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7. Karyn takes the stone

6. Zoe thinks

5. Jon's Gone

4. Karyn

3. Everything is Normal...for her

2. Zoe's POV

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn wishes Jon back

on 2017-01-15 08:37:45

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Karyn stood up suddenly and made a grab for the stone from Zoe's hand.

Zoe was rather surprised at Karyn's sudden move, and she fumbled with the stone. Karyn caught it.

"I wish that the original Jon - the person who used the stone last night - would appear right here in front of me with his memories intact from our last meeting."

Zoe really hoped that Karyn had worded the wish right. She supposed that Karyn must have been thinking about this for the past few hours.

Suddenly, a bright flash came from the stone. Zoe remembered what she had thought was lightning from last night, and noticed that it was the same thing.

She felt forced to look away. Then she heard the words "Oh fuck" in Jon's familiar voice. Then she was able to turn back and face Jon.

"I'm sorry Karyn. That was stupid of...." He looked around and saw Zoe right next to Karyn and had a confused look on his face. "Uh.... hi Zoe!"

"Hi!" she said, lifting her hand and smiling at him.

Karyn said, rather excitedly "You're back!" She smiled at Jon.

"What do you mean, I'm back?"

"You were stupid enough to wish yourself into nonexistence!" Zoe chimed in.


Karyn continued. "When you made that wish last night, it was as if you had never been born. It was pretty scary."

"What does that have to do with what I said?"

Karyn replied. "The stone seems to have a grudge against you or something! I have no clue."

Zoe said "You really were lucky there, Jon."

"And what do you have to do with this?" Jon asked Zoe.

Zoe thought that Jon's words were pretty rude there. "Well I think that when you got a magical item as powerful as your inheritence, you should have told your wonderful sister because she's not that bad of a person!" She stone out of Karyn's hand and held it up as she talked.

"Well..." Jon started a bit guiltily.

Zoe did know that her relationship with her brother wasn't what could be called "good", but it wasn't necessarily bad. They just didn't talk much. Still, something of this magnitude - AND he had shared it with Karyn.

Jon seemed unsure of where to continue. Karyn jumped into the exchange. "Well now it doesn't matter. There's three of us now, but first we need to fix what's still wrong.

"I don't quite understand what happened," said Jon. "One moment I made that accidental wish and the next I'm standing here..."

Karyn started to explain.

"Well, that wish was accidentally made, and then you just vanished into thin air. Your room completely changed and now it looks more like mine, and I found out that it was like you never existed. Apparently I was an adopted child or something."

Karyn sat back down, and Jon sat on Zoe's bed. Zoe continued standing in between them, watching.

Karyn continued talking. "Also, the stone.... it disappeared."

"It disappeared?"

"Apparently in this reality it got passed down to Zoe, but she accidentally overheard us making the wish, so she remembered you. She found it in her room."

Zoe thought Karyn looked very calm compared to a few minutes ago, when she was crying over Jon.

"And so" Karyn continued, "We wished you back and here you are. However, I don't think that you're part of the family anymore. Heck, I don't think you actually exist in this reality. I think we're going to have to make some more changes with the stone, but I'm worried that it'll do something like that again."

"So for a while, it looked like you wouldn't come back." Zoe added. "I'm relatively glad you are."


She just looked at him and smiled in response.

Zoe was thinking about what would happen next. They probably wouldn't be able to completely restore their previous life, but maybe they could with some creative wishing. Or since they were this powerful, Zoe thought that they, or rather she, may not want to go back to normality and instead try experimenting with how she truly wanted to live rather than trying to go back to how things had been before.

She thought that Jon and Karyn haven't actually experimented that much with it yet. Therefore, why not start? That certainly drew her in, but she did know that her "current life" wasn't bad, and the stone did risk making it bad if they badly messed up. However, it was already messed up for Jon, so he was definitely going to be making some more wishes anyways.

"Anyways, now that you're back Jon, my only request is to let me join in on this wishing group. As I understand it you guys haven't wished for anything real yet."

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