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6. Zoe is still Herself

5. Zoe and Her Mom Switch Places

4. The Big Bed

3. Zoe Wakes Up Somewhere Else

2. Zoe's POV

1. You Are What You Wish

Zoe is still Herself

on 2009-12-12 20:49:30

1246 hits, 78 views, 0 upvotes.

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Suddenly, the bedroom door flew open and Jon rushed in. And then behind him, rushed in a girl who Zoe didn't immediately recognize. It took a moment, but eventually she realized that it was her mother! Only she was a teenager.

"Mom! What's wrong?" Zoe's mother asked.

Zoe could do nothing but stare at the girl. What was happening? The girl version of her mother wasn't a Goth. She wore a pair of tight jeans, tucked into boots, and a t-shirt. She was actually quite pretty.

Jon looked at her. "Are you all right...Mom?" He asked.

"Ummm..yes..." Zoe said, not wanting to sound insane. "I...thought I saw a mouse."

It seemed to satisfy them, and they left her alone. She began to hunt around, trying to find some clue as to what was going on. The room looked similar to what she remembered and different. Old Zoe had different taste in clothes than what her mother did...

Buried under the clothes in the top drawer, she found some old pictures...

The first was a teenage Zoe...but it looked like it was taken decades ago. In the image, she wasn't dressed like a Goth either. She was dressed in 80s Punk style, wearing a leather skirt and jacket. Then a college-age Zoe, looking a little more mainstream, then a pregnant Zoe looking like a typical young mother.

Meanwhile, Jon poured himself a bowl of cereal and offered the box to the other teen, who took it. "What's up with Mom?" She asked him.

"Not sure," Jon lied.

His new sister was about to answer when her cell phone rang. She picked it up. "Oh, hey. Yeah...yeah...wait a minute." She hurried out of the room, not wanting him to hear. It was funny for Jon to see his mother acting like a typical modern teen. It was more fun to see how Zoe would do with her day...

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