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8. Gender Role Reversal: At the m

7. Gender Role Reversal: Lunchtim

6. Gender Role Reversal: First Cl

5. Gender Role Reversal: At schoo

4. Gender Role Reversal: A new te

3. Gender Role Reversal

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

Gender Role Reversal: At the mall

avatar on 2016-03-16 17:15:57

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The rest of the day passed by fairly quickly, it helped that I had something to look forward to. MY other classes for today were Science and History, Science was hard and I found a lot of the stuff very confusing while History was interesting. We learnt about Allison Lincoln and the civil war, a lot of the politics stuff went over my head but it was very interesting. Before long school had finished for the day and I headed out to meet my friends. Alan was already there waiting and went I came up to him I could tell he was excited "well, I did it. I signed up for the cheerleaders." "Wow, congratulations." I said hugging him "I'm sure you'll get on the squad" assuring him "thanks, but I'm really doing it to get Justine to notice me." Alan admitted "she does notice you!" I said "you heard those compliments she gave you at lunch, I'm sure it will be only a matter of time before she asks you out." "Oh I hope so Alex. Shush now, here they come." I looked over to where Alan was pointing and saw Fiona and Justine approaching "Hi guys" they said we greeted them in return. It wasn't long before we heard a car horn and we looked around. Across the street was Fiona's dad in his blue minivan, he waved at us and we all got in the car "Hi Mr Winston" Alan said happily as he got in "Hi sweetie, you look nice today" "thanks" Alan replied "hi dad" Fiona said as she got in the front passenger seat "Hi honey, how was your day?" His dad asked "it was great thanks." Mr Winston quizzed us about our day as he pulled off towards the mall.

Mr Winston pulled the minivan into a parking space and we all got out "bye Mr Winston" I said "have fun you lot. And Fiona! Let me know when you want picking up." Mr Winston reminded his daughter "yeah yeah" was the response, we waved goodbye as he headed home. "So what do you want to do first?" Justine asked "Well Alan and I want to do some shopping at Forever 21" Fiona groaned "god, I swear all you boys talk about is shopping and clothes." "We could say the same thing about you girls and sports and video games" I replied folding my arms across my chest crossly "Touché" Fiona replied grinning. "How about you and Alan do your shopping and I'll head off to GameStop with Justine?" "Sounds like a plan" Justine said "meet up in the middle in about an hour?" Alan and I nodded in agreement, said our goodbyes and headed over to Forever 21.

Alan and I spent ages looking through all the dresses and clothes trying to decide on what would be suitable for my birthday meal on Saturday. Eventually after trying on about a dozen dresses I decided on a cute little black dress, a little cliché I know but you can never go wrong with a LBD. I also purchased a few new bras and panties along with a couple of tights and a new bottle of perfume by Chloe Klein. We excited the store with our shopping bags, (need I say that Alan made a few purchases of his own?) giggling like the two teenage boys that we were and headed to meet the girls. "OMG! Alan, come look at this!" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the jewellery shop window, in the middle of the display was a gold necklace with a heart pendant dangling from it. "Oh wow! It's beautiful" Alan said admiring it as well. "Too bad it's expensive" I said noting the price tag "Would you like me too get it for you?" Alan offered "Oh no thanks, you've already helped me a lot today with choosing my outfit" I replied "are you sure? It could be my birthday present to you" Alan suggested "yes I'm sure" "hey maybe Fiona will get it for you" Alan teased nudging me "you know she's never go for something like this." I replied giggling "you never know. Girls can be romantic sometimes" was Alan's response. "Hey guys! Over here" we turned towards the sound, it was Justine waving us over and Fiona was there next to her. We moved away from the shop and went to join them.

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