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7. Gender Role Reversal: Lunchtim

6. Gender Role Reversal: First Cl

5. Gender Role Reversal: At schoo

4. Gender Role Reversal: A new te

3. Gender Role Reversal

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

Gender Role Reversal: Lunchtime

avatar on 2016-03-16 17:14:24

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As we entered the dinner hall I looked around for either Fiona or Justine, eventually I spotted Fiona who was waving to us. I nodded and waved back, Alan and I joined the lunch queue grabbing trays as we did so. Both Alan and I chose salads as we were on a diet and then headed off to join Fiona. "Where's Justine?" Alan asked "She's signing up for the football team. There was a notice board by the main entrance saying try-outs would be on Wednesday" Fiona replied, she had gone the unhealthy option of burger and fries and was busy putting ketchup on her fries "you realise that that's really unhealthy" I said a little disgusted "So?" Fiona replied "it's my body I can eat whatever I want." I was about to respond when Justine sat down with her tray, she had chosen the same as Fiona. After giving us a greeting Justine said "hey, did you know that they are doing cheerleader try-outs on Wednesday as well? Alan, I think you should join." Alan blushed and giggled putting his hand up to his mouth as he did so "really?" he asked "Do you think I have what it takes?" "Yeah definitely" Justine replied "You're very athletic for a boy, you have a great body" Alan blushed even harder at that "and you, erm, have great, erm, legs." Justine finished flustering a bit as she did, Justine hung her head down embarrassed. "Aw, that's so sweet of you Justine, thank you for noticing." Alan replied brushing his long blonde hair off his shoulders as he did so "you know, I think I will sign up. You can show me where the board is after lunch." Justine nodded agreeing, changing the subject I piped up "Alan wants to go to the mall after school, you two fancy coming?" "Yeah sounds great" Fiona replied "I could do with getting that new fighting game that just came out, what do you say Justine? Are you in?" "Do you even need to ask? I might purchase that game as well, plus check out a few of the gents hanging out at the mall" I turned and looked at Alan as she said that, he seemed a little hurt but did his best not to show it at least not to the girls.

"Great" Fiona said "I'll see if I can get my dad to give us a lift" she got her phone out of her pocket and starting texting his dad. Meanwhile both Alan and Justine had finished their lunches "Do you want me to show you that board now?" Justine asked him "Sure" Alan said "See you guys later" Justine said as they headed off with Alan giving me a little wave as they left. Fiona was still texting her dad so I grabbed my handbag and got my pink phone out, I had a text. I opened it up and it read "Hi sweetie, hope your day is going well" it was dad checking up on me. He knew I would be nervous today and so wanted to know how I was "Fine thanks Dad. Just had lunch, going to mall after school" I replied a few minutes later there was a response "Glad things are ok, do you need a lift?" "Fiona's dad is giving us 1" I replied "Ok, let me know when you're on the way home." He asked "Will do, c u later" I replied ending the conversation I put my phone down and turned my attention back to Fiona who had finished as well "Dad's going to pick us up in his minivan after school" she confirmed "who were you talking to?" "My dad" I responded Fiona nodded "checking up on you?" She asked "yeah, I told him we would be going out after school" The bell rang indicating end of lunch and we said goodbye and went our separate ways.

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