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5. Gender Role Reversal: At schoo

4. Gender Role Reversal: A new te

3. Gender Role Reversal

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

Gender Role Reversal: At school

avatar on 2016-03-14 11:51:36

2764 hits, 82 views, 1 upvotes.

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As I stepped off the bus I looked around, a lot of students were already at the school. Some were hanging in groups like at the bus stop and some were already starting to find their classes. I felt the familiar wave of nerves returning and I hesitated. Suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder, I turned around and it was Fiona. She gave me a reassuring smile and then nodded towards the building, I gulped and then nodded back. I don't know what I would have done without her. As we approached the school, I spotted Alan waving at us. Smiling I started running towards him, "OMG Alex!" Alan yelled as he pulled me into a hug. "Can you believe it? It's our first day of high school." Alan said clapping his hands excitedly "yeah, great" I replied meekly as Fiona caught up with us and greeted Alan who replied with a greeting of his own. "Honey? Are you ok?" Alan asked me, noticing my discomfort. "He's just nervous" Fiona replied for me "you know how he is in big crowds" "Oh hun, sorry I forgot. Cute outfit by the way." I smiled "thanks, at least if anything happens I can always count on you for fashion advice right?" I asked laughing "Of course you can honey" Alan replied giggling as well.

"S'up dudes!" It was Justine, flashing her usual greeting. As predicted she was wearing her usual Jeans and her favorite Bulldogs Football jersey. Justine gave Fiona a high-five and kissed Alan and I on both cheeks making Alan blush, I think he has a crush on him like I do with Fiona. Alan gave Justine a sniff "wow! I'm impressed Justine, you actually showered today." He said grinning "hey, I like to make a good first impression. Especially if I want to make the team" Alan rolled his eyes at that "Oh hey speaking of which" Justine said turning to Fiona "Are you still up for the game on Sunday?" "Sure" Fiona replied "can't wait" "Great! I'm telling you, the Bulldogs did well in the draft this year. We are making the playoffs." "I swear all you girls ever talk about is sports." Justine was about to protest but then the bell rang indicating that first period was about to start. We said goodbye to each other and then Alan and I headed off in one wrong direction and Justine and Fiona in the other. When we had got our schedules in the post and compared them, I was disappointed that I wouldn't be in many of the same classes as Fiona so I would only get to see her at lunchtime. The bright side was that I did share a lot of classes with Alan so I did have a friend to share them with.

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