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11. A Surprise for David

10. A Critical System Malfunction

9. change comes tomorrow

8. You chose the perpetually preg

7. You ask about the perpetually

6. an extreme body

5. ...a male wanting a sex change

4. Paperwork

3. The Newshape Shop

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

Perpetually Pregnant: A Surprise for David

on 2012-10-15 14:12:38

1194 hits, 102 views, 1 upvotes.

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David undressed completely and put on the special plain white boxers provided by The Newshape Shop. They insisted on wearing then and nothing else as 'the last thing needed for the transformation process are constrains for the body'. David didn't like the way they felt on his butt. The fabric was extremely rough and the way they were cut was unfashionable.

David was a spoiled kid. Well, at least he used to be a spoiled kid. People aged 21 shouldn't be called 'kids' anymore, although David certainly still behaved like one.

He was born in an filthy rich family, his father being the founder and CEO if a multi-billion-dollar global company which shan't be named here. He was the only child, since always getting the newest toys, the newest gadgets, the best clothes. He attended a private school and although he was neither good at sports nor performed well academically got a place at an Ivy League University. All his friends knew that maybe the fact that his father was willing to pay any sum to get the best for his son had something to do with it. Also 'people who hung out with him for certain benefits' would probably be a better word to use rather than 'friends'.

At University in the most elite of the fraternities he met a couple of guys just like him and although he probably didn't realize this one may say they became his first actual friends...

So there he was - a spoiled kid who, for his whole life, had everything he ever wanted. Except... Except girls. But now his father's gift for his 21st birthday was to change that.

The transformation room was empty but for a wardrobe with clothes tailored to the new body designed for him and the transformation chamber which looked more like a futuristic tanning bed than a product of the cutting-edge research in nanotechnology. To make everything more interesting the transformation room itself wasn't like most of them. It was one of only three off-site transformation rooms meant for people who didn't want to be seen leaving and entering The Newshape Shop. In the end some people liked privacy. The room was a part of a fully furnished apartment in the city center where the transformee could relax and get used to their new body. Off-site location also meant that the only help clients would get would come from the automated system like the one in the shop and not from human workers. All those extras nearly tripled the price of the procedure, not like David cared...

David sat on the edge of the transformation bed slouching, his arms supported on his thighs. He thought again about the reason why he was here. Girls...

It wasn't like David never has been with a girl, no. He had a couple of girlfriends and he had plenty of sex, just not quite the way he wanted it. You see, David was quite scrawny looking, not particularly tall, just a little bit above the average 5'10'' and his face definitely wasn't very masculine. The problem was that in sex David wished to dominate. He wanted to dominate a lot, although perhaps without any of the BDSM silliness. And what absolutely devastated him was that every time he wanted to guide sex the way he wanted, his girlfriends just kept ending up laughing. A scrawny, almost nerdy looking guy suddenly acting all macho - David considered the discrepancy between his looks and his attitude the source of his failures. And now all was about to change.

The automated support system beeped and David heard a computer-generated voice saying only 5 minutes were left to the start of the procedure. He lied down on the semi-hard surface of the transformation bed noticing it was much longer than a normal bed. That seemed reasonable considering that in the morning he expected to got of this bed much taller.

His chosen new body matched his sexual desires. He wanted to be taller and after discussions with his personal adviser he settled at 6'8''. He also ordered extra 100 lbs of self-sustaining muscle mass which didn't require him to exercise to stay in shape and got a custom-sculptured super masculine variation on his face prepared. Lastly there was also an improvement for his dick. David didn't have any problems with the size of his package but there was always room for improvement. He also didn't want his penis too large so he can actually penetrate girls. He decided the erect size of 9 inches long and 8 inches in circumference was the right size to enter most girls and yet make sure all of them are tight for him. He didn't care they'd find it painful, no... For Dave that was a part of his dream sex.

"STARTING IN 9...8...7...6...5..." the transformation bed's lid started closing. "4...3...2...1..."

David felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier. He drifted off dreaming of his new body and how much time he'll spend on sex once he gets it.
He just couldn't know that all that all that sex he was to receive would be from quite an opposite position than what he wanted...

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