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81. Back to Jon, Karyn, and Sarah

80. School finally lets out after

79. So, did Jay Duncan solve that

78. They get Rachel on the phone t

77. Sallow proves to be still reas

76. Resolving the situation peacef

75. A Transformation Gun user figh

74. Ryan, Samantha, and friends co

73. He does have the Seafarer Gun,

72. Back to Jay and Athena, and a

71. Mr. Sallow, the Seafarer Gun,

70. Searching the halls, meeting L

69. Rachel and the doctor have a d

68. Ryan and Samantha finally open

67. Nicole finally hears back from

66. Designing a safe place to keep

65. Sarah makes a few good wishes

64. Jon, Karyn, and Sarah know how

63. Wishes for knowledge

62. Does the wish work on everyone

Transformation Guns: Looking back on past behavior

on 2022-08-27 07:49:50
Episode last modified by Christine L. on 2023-03-08 21:57:19

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The Gibson house, living room, late afternoon

Jon, Karyn, and Sarah sat on the couch, with the TV on, tuned to some sitcom reruns. No one felt like watching the news, as they needed a break from Transformation Gun related matters. None of them were in the mood for action/adventure shows or movies, either, given what they'd experienced that day.

However, they really weren't paying attention to the sitcom reruns, either. And all of them knew why. They just had too much on their minds now.

"I've been thinking." Sarah said. "That wish we made, the one where we wished to know how everyone else at school felt about what's been going on... it gave me a lot to think about."

She paused for a moment, then went on. "Karyn, you've called me a stuck-up bitch in the past. And you were right. I didn't want to hang out with any of the 'uncool' crowd. I was worried it might jeopardize my social standing, or some bullshit like that. So I did the whole 'mean girl' thing, insulting people who didn't really have it coming."

"You got that right." Karyn said.

"That wish just made me realize I'd been mean to people for no good reason." Sarah said. "Calling Gladys a fat cow didn't make me any skinnier, nor did it help her lose weight. And Yuki ... there was one time where she just started muttering in Japanese and in broken English, and I snapped at her and told her to speak good English. I know now she CAN speak good English. It's just that when she's nervous, she sometimes has trouble speaking."

"Now that I know how these people feel, I'd like to be a little nicer to them from now on. They've got enough problems of their own." Sarah said. "I'll still be mean to those who really deserve it. God, I can't believe there was a time I thought Steve Farber was worth dating."

"Yeah, he was a real jerk." Jon said. "But maybe not anymore."

They knew the Babe Gun and the Prude Gun had both caused some changes in the former Stud's thoughts and feelings. It was too soon to know what those changes would be like in the long term, but they all had the feeling that whoever the person they knew as Steve Farber would be going forward would be different from the one they knew.

"We all could stand to be a little nicer to each other." Karyn said. "I've said a few nasty things, too."

Jon spoke up. "One thing. We need to be careful what we say to everyone at school. That wish made us learn a few things about them we shouldn't know. We might spook them if we blurt things out."

"I guess we could say we heard rumors or something." Karyn said. "But yes, you're right. We've got to be careful."

At this point, the doorbell rang. "That's probably Zoe." Jon said. "School's probably let out by now."

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