Melody ran out of the club, still feeling incredibly embarrassed by how she acted around her friends (or more specifically, around Vicki). As she ran past all the girls (man, they were hot!) standing in line to get into the club, she tried desperately to figure out what was wrong with her. Some of the girls in line looked at her with disgust, while others seemed amused. With the ones who seemed amused, Melody found herself considering to ... what? Hit on them?
She ran across the street, then down the road. She didn't know why, but she was acting just like a ... a lesbian. A disgusting, perverted lesbian. But it really didn't seem all that perverted, even though she knew it should have been. What was happening?
Halfway down the block, she stopped suddenly. She originally intended on running back to her dorm, but by now her roommate Sharon (she never really thought about it before, but Sharon really was hot) must have gotten texted by her friends at the club. Where else could she go? Maybe her boyfriend David's apartment? She thought of how she had gotten intimate with David just that afternoon and the thought filled her with disgust. Sure, he was a pretty good friend, but she just couldn't think of him as anything more than just a guy she liked to be around to talk to. A friend. She felt like crying. She was hoping the marry him some day. Now, she couldn't stand the idea of marrying him, let alone any guy. Her heart was for girls now. Again, she felt like crying.
How could this have happened to her? Maybe someone drugged her at the club? The cops would be a good place to go for that. Or maybe she should head to a hospital instead. Or a church. She wasn't religious, but this sudden change in sexual orientation had her so freaked that it seemed comparable to demon possession. She didn't really think she was possessed, but still ... she was acting contrary to normal. There had to be some sort of explanation.
So where should she go? Her dorm? Her boyfriend's apartment? The police, the hospital? A church?