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28. DMU - further examination

27. DMU - Question Time

26. DMU - Skip to Gym

25. DMU - further investigation

24. DMU - the experiment begins

23. DMU - yes

22. DMU - further research?

21. DMU - 2nd Period in the Librar

20. Downstairs Mix-up - 1st Period

19. Downstairs Mix-Up - Zoe’s morn

18. Downstairs mix-up - arrival at

17. Downstairs Mix-up - A McMillan

16. The last McMillan

15. Mollie the maid

14. Biff

13. Earlier that morning

12. Breakfast time

11. Another discovery

10. The final two emerge

9. Dads turn

DMU - Further examination

avatar on 2022-08-24 15:47:08
Episode last modified by MightyMrJ on 2023-01-17 06:57:46

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“What do you need me to do” Jon replied a little hesitantly.

“If you could stand up for a moment and remove your jeans for me first” Dr Michaels said plainly. Jon nodded and climbed off his seat. He slipped off his trainers, and pulled down his trousers before kicking them to the side to join his shoes. The room felt a little colder with nothing covering his legs, and he was painfully reminded that he was actually wearing a pair of his mothers underwear. Dr Michaels leaned forward slightly, and began to take a few more notes.

“Ah yes, I was informed that those affected had also noted a change in underwear” he muttered, if you could turn around for me Jon” he added. Jon obliged, and turned to face the machine. He could hear the doctor scribbling in his board again.

“There appears to be some swelling in the rear” he said, “most interesting, could be a result of extra estrogen in your system. Now, if you’re happy to, could you remove your underwear”

Jon shuddered, but he’s decided that he needed to do whatever he could to get this mess sorted. He could feel the blood rushing to his face as he pulled down his panties and flicked them with his foot to the pile of clothes on the floor.

“Oh fantastic, now please take a seat. I’ll be back in a moment” Dr Michaels said as Jon heard the curtain shift behind him. He climbed back on the chair, and instinctively covered his groin with his hands. It wasn’t long before Dr Michaels appeared again, this time accompanied by a woman in scrubs.

“Jon, this is Dr Grant, I felt it prudent considering your genital situation to bring a female colleague in for this part.” He said.

“Hello Jon,” Dr Grant smiled, “I know you’re nervous, but you can tell me to stop at any time.” She said sweetly, Jon felt a lot more at ease with her. She indicated for him to move his hands.

“First I’d like to perform a standard health check, and then if you’re ok with it, we could maybe do a quick ultrasound scan and see what’s happening on the inside?” She said. Jon nodded and slowly slid his hands down to his sides, bearing his new slit to the two doctors. This was the first time he had gotten it out since that morning, he’d even gone so far as to avoid using the toilet because he didn’t want to touch it. Still, if it could help everyone else, he’d put up with this.

“I’m ok with that doctor”. He replied meekly.

“Oh please, you can call me Ruby” she smiled and she moved around to his feet and pulled a pair of stirrups from the sides of the chair. She manoeuvred his feet into place and leant forward.

“Incredible” she muttered as she began her exam, which Jon found rather invasive. Lots of poking, prodding, stretching, and general discomfort.

‘When this is over, I’m never teasing Karyn about her appointments again’ he thought to himself.

“Simply amazing, everything seems to be responding as it should be. It’s like you were born with it” Ruby said. Jon could hear dr Michaels scribbling away again. Ruby helped Jon put his feet back down and placed the stirrups away again. Next she switched the machine on and produced a blue bottle of gel.

“Ok, if you could pull your shirt up a bit for me Jon. This will probably feel a bit cold at first.” She said as she moved to his side. When he was ready she squirted some of the gel onto his pelvis and pushed the scanner onto it. She stared intently at the monitor.

“Well that’s interesting” she said.

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