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79. So, did Jay Duncan solve that

78. They get Rachel on the phone t

77. Sallow proves to be still reas

76. Resolving the situation peacef

75. A Transformation Gun user figh

74. Ryan, Samantha, and friends co

73. He does have the Seafarer Gun,

72. Back to Jay and Athena, and a

71. Mr. Sallow, the Seafarer Gun,

70. Searching the halls, meeting L

69. Rachel and the doctor have a d

68. Ryan and Samantha finally open

67. Nicole finally hears back from

66. Designing a safe place to keep

65. Sarah makes a few good wishes

64. Jon, Karyn, and Sarah know how

63. Wishes for knowledge

62. Does the wish work on everyone

61. They go upstairs to Jon's room

60. So what have Sarah and Karyn b

Transformation Guns: Jay solves the puzzle

on 2022-08-23 20:59:11

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Lake Point High School, classroom

Jay Duncan had eagerly accepted the Seafarer Gun-transformed Mr. Matheson's treasure hunt-themed division puzzle, and worked it out while Athena checked on Zoe and Trevor, and the rest of the class struggled with the same puzzle. Jay had to admire Mr. Matheson's dedication to his profession. Mr. Matheson was not letting being zapped with a mind-affecting Transformation Gun, nor the whole Transformation Gun chaos, stop him from teaching a class.

It was a bit strange that Mr. Matheson was making Jay do this puzzle before allowing him to have the Seafarer Gun and the other Transformation Guns in the box Mr. Matheson had brought in, but somehow this felt right to Jay. This whole experience felt like some sort of RPG quest, where the protagonists go from place to place talking to people in search of something, and jump through a few hoops to find what they're looking for.

In any case, the first part of the puzzle was pretty easy to work out. The treasure hunter crew in the puzzle's scenario began with a crew of thirty. If half of them mutineed, stole half the treasure, and abandoned the other half of the crew, that meant there were fifteen crew members in each faction. And then came the misfortune that befell the mutineers, where one third of them did not survive a shipwreck and the other two thirds had to divide that third's shares between them. There were, of course, five people in each third.

With that in mind, Jay quickly got to work figuring out how to divide the treasure shares among the five people in both of the remaining two thirds of the mutineer faction. The scenario seemed a bit on the ridiculous and unlikely side, but it made for a good math puzzle nonetheless. After a while, Jay worked it out, and presented his answers on paper to Mr. Matheson.

"Here's my answer, sir." Jay said. "What do you think?"

"Aye, there be the correct answers, matey!" Mr. Matheson said. "I see why your grades are always good."

"So can I have ... your treasure?" Jay asked.

"That you can, lad." Mr. Matheson said. "I keep my word. I may be talking like a pirate thanks to that Seafarer Gun, but that doesn't stop me from keeping my promises. Take it with ye with my blessing."

"Thanks." Jay said. He moved to pick up the box, but found it a bit heavy. "Can my friends help me?"

"Now, I usually tell ye all te wait until class is dismissed unless it's an emergency, but this isn't your normal day." Mr. Matheson said. "Go right ahead. Fair winds to ye."

Athena turned to Zoe, Trevor, and Rebecca. "It looks like we're almost done here. Are you coming with us?"

"I need to finish this poem." Trevor said softly.

"Have you heard from my brother?" Zoe asked.

"We haven't heard anything." Athena said. "I'm sure he's around somewhere."

"I'm staying here with Trevor. Just to make sure he doesn't get into trouble." Zoe replied.

"You and Jay did most of the work." Rebecca said. "You go and get the credit for it. You've earned it."

Athena then went to join Jay in lifting the box containing the Seafarer Gun and the others Mr. Matheson had found. Athena was a bit curious about them, but decided perhaps it was best not to take any out of the box for a closer look. This school had had more than enough Transformation Gun troubles for one day.

Jay and Athena carried the box out into the hallway and made their way toward the Principal's office.

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