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8. Lesbianism Spreads to Margaret

7. Laura Ogles the Pastor's Wife

6. Lesbian Earrings

5. Laura Gets a Present

4. Main Character - Laura Ferguso

3. Lake Point

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

LAKE POINT: Lesbianism Spreads to the Pastor's Wife

avatar on 2016-06-14 20:37:49

944 hits, 47 views, 1 upvotes.

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After Laura left, Margaret began rubbing her hand. Ever since she patted Laura on her hand, Margaret's hand had this odd tingling sensation.

Little did the pastor's wife know, Laura had spread her slowly emerging lesbianism to her, through tactile contact. And the same thing would happen to every other female that Laura made physical contact with.

As Margaret continued her work alone, her mind kept returning to Laura. But not because she was worried about her. Rather, she was starting to realize how attractive the somewhat older woman was. In fact, the more she thought about Laura, the less interested she was in her own husband.

She blinked. What was she thinking? Was she just having sexual thoughts about Laura? Shaking her head, she tried to get back to work, denying what just happened. But every now and then, a smile entered her lips, as she once again found herself of thinking about Laura in a very sinful way.

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