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7. Laura Ogles the Pastor's Wife

6. Lesbian Earrings

5. Laura Gets a Present

4. Main Character - Laura Ferguso

3. Lake Point

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

LAKE POINT: Laura Ogles the Pastor's Wife

avatar on 2012-07-27 01:53:12

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Laura drove into the church parking lot and then parked the car. On a weekday, the parking lot was nearly deserted, so she found a spot very close to the building. Then she got out and walked into the church.

"Hello, Margaret," Laura said, walking into the room. Today she was helping the pastor's wife with making plans for the upcoming church picnic. Laura sat down in one of the chairs around the conference table, as Margaret handed her several sheets of paper.

Laura took them, but found her eyes lingering a little too long on Margaret's hand. It really was quite a lovely hand too. Odd, she never really thought about other women's hands before. Margaret was still in her early thirties (whereas Laura was closer to forty), so her skin was still exquisitely smooth and soft, and ...

"Are you okay?" Margaret asked suddenly.

Laura's head shot up and she looked directly into the woman's eyes. A sigh escaped her lips, looking at those beautiful eyes.

"Laura?" Margaret asked, getting more concerned, especially by the way Laura was looking at her.

"Huh?" Laura asked, snapping out of her ... what exactly was she doing? Ogling? No, that couldn't be.

"Are you okay?" Margaret asked again.

"Uh ... yeah. I just didn't really get a lot of sleep last night. I'm still feeling a bit tired." Of course, that wasn't true. She got plenty of sleep. But she just couldn't figure out why she felt so weird and needed some sort of excuse to tell Margaret ... and herself.

"Well, if that's the case, we can do this later."

Laura smiled. "You don't think your husband will mind?"

Margaret looked confused. "Mind what?"

Laura's smile disappeared and she suddenly looked confused and unsettled. Why did she say that? And why was it that every time she looked at Margaret, she couldn't help but feel attracted to her in some way? That was the type of behavior performed by ... ugh ... lesbians. Laura was by no means a lesbian. Just the thought of it made her ... curious? No, that wasn't it. She didn't like lesbians. It was filthy what they did with each other.

"You know what?" Laura finally said. "I think you're right. I think I'll go home and get some rest. We could just do this later."

"Well, I hope you feel better when you come back. You really do seem a little out of it this morning," Margaret said, patting Laura on the hand.

Laura nodded, then left the room, then the building. On her way back to her car, she began to feel bad that she had to go home. Margaret was an attractive woman and would have been a great distraction during their meeting ... no, wait ... that's not why she felt bad. She didn't want to leave all that work to Margaret. That's why she felt bad. She paused and took a deep breath. She needed that nap more than ever. She couldn't think straight.

And with that, she climbed into her car, started it up, and headed home.

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