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6. Lisa comes down

5. Reality Changing Remote

4. Jon and Karyn

3. Leonard finds the wishing rock

2. Life with Leonard

1. The Drafting Board

Magic Remote: Telling Lisa about it

on 5/9/2018 1:53:07 AM UTC
Episode last modified by Noy2222 on 5/9/2018 11:01:36 AM UTC

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In front of Leonard was a sleek silvery remote with a variety of colorful neon buttons, it was almost a foot and a half long and 5" wide, with more options than he could even measure at the moment. On one of the buttons read 'Clone', another 'Reverse' or 'Progress', and yet another 'Invert.' All mysterious! Stereotype button, what did that do? Rewind and fast-forward was easy to guess. Modify and Attribute, really brought Leonard's imagination to life. He smiled and pressed the arrow keys - ironically enough, pointed at the tv.

The channel changed. "Huh, I guess it works like a regular remote." He said. He was able to turn the volume up and down and do the usual sort of thing to television as well. His sister Lisa, a nerdy brainy genius came down rubbing her eyes. "What's with the new tech, I don't remember that model anywhere in the remote catalogs I looked at." She told him, not like he was even really trying to hide it.

"I didn't buy it. Lisa, believe me! I was gifted a magical rock and with it I shoved the fridge with food and now I have a remote that can do anything." He told her rather obliviously. Lisa paused, yawned for a second and took a march.

A simple trip to the kitchen confirmed his claims, as entire piles of snack food and jumpy, junky chips practically poured out in waves once she opened the fridge. No way he raised enough money just to buy this junk. Plus it's Sunday, all the stores are closed. She returned. "I believe you." And then started heading up the stairs. "W-what, didn't you just hear me? I have a magical artifact that can do anything!"

"Yeah, I heard you Leonard. Congrats, hooray. But I only deal with science, so try to keep your, magicing down? And err on the side of caution, we don't want you turned into a statue or a portrait or something just by wishing you were beautiful and everyone would look at you." She said walking back to her room.

"That's a genie, you're thinking of a genie!" Leonard told her. What kind of genius mixes up a wishing rock with a djinn, geez. Nonetheless, what to do with the remote now. As he turned the channel to the news, he got a few ideas of his own. Tonight, there was going to be more than enough entertainment to go around.

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