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13. Mistress Athena Athena and the

12. Mistress Athena

11. Karyn and Edward Have a Mistre

10. Who is Karyn's Father?

9. Karyn's Dad

8. Karyn Is Making Out With Who?

7. Jon Goes to See Karyn

6. Coin Collection

5. Jon's Inheritance

4. Main Character - Jon Gibson

3. Lake Point

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

Mistress Athena and the Power of the Dark Goddess

on 2016-01-20 21:34:14

755 hits, 42 views, 1 upvotes.

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Jon stared in dismay as Karyn and her father resumed kissing and groping each

other. Jon knew that he had to learn what Athena did to Karyn and her dad and

find out how to reverse it.

"Well Jon I didn't expect to see you so soon." said a voice behind Jon. Jon

turned around and saw Athena. Jon was shocked to see that Athena was dress

seemingly as a sexy dark queen. Wearing an ornate crown, kohl around her eyes, a

cape, and nothing else besides piercings in her bellybutton and nipples. Athena

was carrying a staff with a obsidian colored stone attached to it.

"Mistress!" screamed both Karyn and her father in celebration as they

crawled towards their owner and began to worship her together.

"So Jon I see that you have met my new pets." Athena said as she began to

stroke Karyn's hair.

"What did you do to them Athena!" yelled an angry Jon.

"I given them a new purpose in life Jon." exclaimed Athena gleefully. "I

cannot stand how the world is today so I prayed and prayed to my Dark Goddess

for the power to fix it. Last night my prayers were finally answered when I was

given this staff embedded with her power. Not only can it mold the minds of my

subjects, but it can also mold their bodies in ways that I desire. Show Jon what

I mean my pets,strip!" Jon was horrified to see that Karyn and her dad began to

remove their clothes, but he became even more frightened when he saw what was

under them. Karyn's father was completely hairless below the neck now, Jon also

noticed that his ball were missing and they now were replaced with a vagina

tucked away behind his penis. Karyn herself now had a large cock above her pussy

that was steadily becoming more and more erect.

"Now Jon do you not see my power!" cackled Athena.

"You won't get away with this Athena! I'll find a way to stop you!" yelled

Jon in fury.

"No Jon you to shall Join Karyn as my submissive pet and slave, and help me

cleanse the world." Athena exclaimed as the crystal on her staff began to glow

with dark power.

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