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12. Mistress Athena

11. Karyn and Edward Have a Mistre

10. Who is Karyn's Father?

9. Karyn's Dad

8. Karyn Is Making Out With Who?

7. Jon Goes to See Karyn

6. Coin Collection

5. Jon's Inheritance

4. Main Character - Jon Gibson

3. Lake Point

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

Mistress Athena

on 2015-12-26 07:34:33

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"Karyn, who is your Mistress?" Jon questioned.

Karyn looked shocked that Jon didn't know who their Mistress is. "Jon you should

know that we belong too Mistress Athena."

Now Jon was freaked out. Athena was one of his sister Zoe's weird goth friends.

"What the hell is wrong with you Karyn? what do you mean that Goth weirdo is

your Mistress?"

Both Karyn and her father looked scandalized and hurt by Jon's comments. "How

dare you say such vile things about our Mistress, Jon" said Karyn "She is loving

and caring and superior to us in every way. She has enlightened us and shown us

our true path in life as her loyal and submissive pets and slaves. I only hope

that you Jon and everyone else in the world can repent and find enlightenment

and happiness in service to Mistress Athena as her pets and slaves as we have."

cried Karyn in joyous rapture.

Jon stared at them in fear. He new he had to find out what Athena did to them,

and how to fix it fast before things became even worse.

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