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11. Karyn and Edward Have a Mistre

10. Who is Karyn's Father?

9. Karyn's Dad

8. Karyn Is Making Out With Who?

7. Jon Goes to See Karyn

6. Coin Collection

5. Jon's Inheritance

4. Main Character - Jon Gibson

3. Lake Point

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

LAKE POINT: Karyn and Edward Have a Mistress

avatar on 2010-11-24 15:51:36

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"Okay, then," Jon said, humoring Karyn for a moment. "If he isn't your father, then who is?"

"I don't have a father or even a mother," she answered. "And neither does Edward."

Karyn's dad turned towards Jon and said "But we do have a mistress. And she loves us just as much as any parent would."

"Mistress?" Jon asked, again shocked. "What, you mean like the sexual kind? Karyn, what the hell are you into?"

"Jon, don't act so surprised. You know I'm into the whole bisexual scene."

"No!" Jon yelled out, then began pacing around in a circle. "No, no, no. Karyn, there's something really wrong with you. And your father."

"Jon, I already told you. I don't have any parents. And I don't need any, either. Our mistress gives us all the love and guidance we'll ever need."

Karyn smiled, then Edward smiled too.

What happened to Karyn and her father? Had they been brainwashed or something? Why were they acting like this? Suddenly, he began to wonder if this mistress of theirs might be the cause of it. If only he knew who it was.

Then Jon's eyes lit up. Why didn't he just ask? "Karyn, who is your mistress?"

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