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10. Sarah MacMillian and Steve Far

9. Kyla and Tyler

8. Tiffany and Sarah Taylor

7. Jennifer and Mike

6. school testing

5. toying with the merger

4. Wait

3. the merge-o-tron

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Busty Cheerleader and Stud Womanizer

on 2022-07-25 03:57:50

1880 hits, 197 views, 2 upvotes.

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Soon the cheerleader Sarah MacMillian passed by in her bitchy walk, looking at Karyn and giving a chuckle.

"Gosh, what a bitch she is..." Karyn.

"Womanizers are worse though, they act very naughty" - Jon stated.

"I don't mind them... WAIT!" - Karyn realized. "How about we fuse Sarah and Steve?"

"Oh no..." Jon rolled his eyes.

"Oh give me the remote!" Karyn took Jon's remote and selected both Sarah MacMillian and Steve, who was trying to hit on Melissa.

"Soon, both Sarah and Steve got pulled together and mushed into one mass. Once they formed into one person, they became a muscular stud, a rather flamboyant one. He was both a womanizer and a male cheerleader, his name was Stark Farber."

"Oh hi there" he winked at both Jon and Karyn. "Anyone wants a date with a handsome fella like me?"

"Oh no, he's now both Womanizer and Manizer" - Jon got scared.

"Huh, not bad" - Karyn smiled.

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