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9. Kyla and Tyler

8. Tiffany and Sarah Taylor

7. Jennifer and Mike

6. school testing

5. toying with the merger

4. Wait

3. the merge-o-tron

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Thin Nerdy Girl and Basketball Guy

on 2022-07-24 08:19:58

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Karyn smiled and said "Now fuse Kyla and Tyler!"

Jon wondered "Why them?"

Karyn insisted "Just fuse them!"

They called Kyla and Tyler over, who were chatting.

"You wanted something" - Kyla asked, while Tyler kept studying history books.

Jon pressed the remote and fused the nerdy girl and a basketball guy. Soon, they had become a tall and slimly muscular dark skinned guy with shot hair and square jawline. His name was Tyke, and he was a history nerd, but also was good at basketball.

Tyke looked at Jon and Karyn and wondered "So why did you called me here for?"

Jon shrugged and said "Oh, well, just wanted to ask how are things"

Tyke just shrugged and said "Well, doing fine. I'm going to basketball court"

Karyn made a chuckle. "Well, you sure didn't know how to greet him!"

Jon sighed "I just don't know how to chat with fusion guys"

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