Pixie was a particular sort of character, as a student no one knew quite where she came from 10 years ago. Nor did most people know where she lived, which happened to be the lighthouse downtown by the
shore. From a young age she was infamous for her terrorism upon the town, from her spraypainting, her crashing cars and appearing where burglaries were, to getting into school fights wherever she was
seen. And to those who engaged in any sort of conflict with her, physical or otherwise they'd hardly describe her as a human being. Most saw her as something beyond, giving her a reputation as some kind
of violent robot.
These rumors, if investigated wouldn't be untrue.
Her anti-social behavior aside, she was also a notable ally of Max. And had something of a give-or-take relationship with the class president, Veronica. She crawled thru the vents currently, able
to see in the pitch dark and push thru the tightest spaces, as if she'd done this a million times before. She looked down, seeing that weird woman she'd seen before picking up something thru the
ceiling's crack, and simply crawling her way on ahead. The detention room was coming right up, she'd studied the entire layout of the school. This would be a cakewalk for her.
A red glint in her eye reflected within the dark of the shaft.
She was basically a cyborg anyway.
A very agile cyborg.
Leonard clung onto the doorknob of the detention room, finding it locked.
I must've dropped the magic stone in the hall when she dragged me in here. What do I, I have to escape. If it falls into the wrong hands..
Max snickered, hanging back on his chair. "Trying to break out? It's locked dork."
"So what?" He kicked at the door.
"Even if you could escape, Mendez is a one woman army. She'd drag you back here before you could even think of taking a shit and sacrificing it to ET or something."
Leon turned around. "You're one to talk! Why are you in here anyway? Break a kid's nose with your cleats or something?"
"Tssk. Like I'd dirty my cleats with that gross face of yours." He laid back further staring up at the ceiling. "You wanna leave here or not?"
"Where do you have to be in such a hurry jockface?" Leonard grimaced, slowly leaning against the door and sliding down.
"Anywhere but here." Max climbed on the desk and looked up, a tile on the ceiling shook until it was removed uptop. Hanging down and grabbing his arm, she pulled him up. "Later loser."
By the time she placed the tile back, he was gone.