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22. free parking

21. grand theft body

20. news

19. The office of Weed Investigati

18. partners

17. philly PD

16. I know just how you feel

15. Gena

14. bedtime

13. Email

12. plan

11. pick up

10. call for help

9. piney

8. back seat

7. Shopping

6. Lunch

5. PI

4. Outside Help

3. Narayanne

NARAYANNE:free parking

on 2008-06-07 05:37:08

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The two partners stared at each other uncomfortably for a short while. Cash
became sullen and withdrawn repeatedly taking inventory of his new body.
Gould kept busy looking at everything in the room but his feminized partner.
It was disconcerting how sexy she looked. He was embarrassed at being so
turned on by her. "This is too weird Gould," said at last. "Partner you
don't know the half of it," Cash sighed. Finally the two detectives clamed
down enough to start comparing notes. "You are telling me that, that was
that thing in your body at the station," a shocked Gould exclaimed after
comparing notes. "Where did it say it was going again?" Cash asked.
"South," Gould said." "Let's go see if my car is still here," Cash said in a
frustrated voice.

Ray had known Tom Verdoun well. Verdoun had found the location where
RayJohn's campus was build. Marry is one of Sara's best freinds. Ray
talked about Verdoun as they headed down Interstate 76. Ray talked a little
too much about Verdoun, trying to drown worry and the guilt. Worry over
Tom's fate and guilt that Tom's misfortunate was a crumb on the trail leading
to Ray's goal. Weed interrupted the eulogy with his concern that the
building would not be open at this hour and the crime seen closed. Gena's
thoughts were elsewhere. What had she done to deserve this? Weed was
almost ten years older then she was. She not only lost her gender she had
lost those ten years. She would never have that evening with Frank she was
so looking forward to. And what had she gained. A medium size stocky
male body approaching middle age. A body that had seen half a lifetime of
to much caffeine and cholesterol and never enough sleep. Desperately she
tried to come up with some positives. A body that was taller, stronger and
would keep her out of long restroom lines. In a way she had lower hopes
then Ray. Ray's body was here alive and well sitting there in the drivers seat
with Weed in it, Hers was god knows where. The though of her body lying
dead some where taking some other soul to the grave sent a chill up her
spine. Oh, God what must I do she prayed. Never in her life was she
bigger and yet never had she felt smaller and more hopeless. Mercifully her
thoughts were interrupted by the bump of the truck entering into the parking

They cruised the garage from top to button. They had hopes of finding
Gena's car or some other clue. Finding nothing they parked and tried to
figure out what to do next. While they were contemplating breaking and
entering Gena's body came walking out of the elevator there was a man with
her. Three desperate people got out of the sports utility vehicle. "I think we
need to talk," said Weed. "And just who are you," Gould said. "I think she
may know why that is not a simple question," Gena said pointing at Cash.
"What do you know about me?" Cash asked. "We know that is not your
body," Ray said. "And just who's body is this," Cash asked mentally
dancing on egg shells. "Mine," Gena Said. "Well I'm Detective Jeffery
Gould, Homicide and this is my partner William Register," Gould said. "I
am John Weed of Weed Investigations this is my secretary Gena O'Donald
and this is my client Raymond Jones," Weed said. The Introductions were
repeated till every one was certain of the names that did not fit the bodies as 5
confused people attempted to suspend disbelief in this strange circumstance.
"So he is she and you are him and she is you and Cash is her," Gould
summarized to Weed. "And we are all together, but I do have an office full
of more information on this case," said Weed. It was soon determined that
Weeds office was a better place to discuss things then the station, Cash not
being himself and all. The three car convoy left for Bala. Weed and Ray lead
in the truck. Cash and Gena followed in the blue Corsica (Gena not wanting
to let her body out of her sight). Gould brought up the rear in his

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