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21. grand theft body

20. news

19. The office of Weed Investigati

18. partners

17. philly PD

16. I know just how you feel

15. Gena

14. bedtime

13. Email

12. plan

11. pick up

10. call for help

9. piney

8. back seat

7. Shopping

6. Lunch

5. PI

4. Outside Help

3. Narayanne

2. And now for something complete

NARAYANNE:grand theft body

on 2008-06-07 05:36:42

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Jeff Gould was having a lousy night. His partner had left him with all the
paper work and a nagging curiosity about what he might have missed at the
crime seen. So Gould found himself back at Verdoun Development quietly
cursing his partner to himself. At least Cash had left him the key. Walking
into the dark office Gould trips over the unconscious body of a young
woman. The woman groaned as Gould fell over her. Gould got up and
turned on the lights. The red hared woman was slowly coming around.
"Are you all right Miss?" Gould asked. "Jeff what the!" the women stopped
in mid sentence shocked at the sound of her own voice. The woman
examined her hands, her breasts then and the rest her body. For awhile she
ignored Gould her face a mask of fear and disbelief as she continued to
examine herself. "No this can't be happening," she gasped. "What can't be
happening?" Gould asked. "Jeff, it's me Cash," said the confused
woman. "Look Ma'am I do not know what kind of game you are playing,
but you have violated a sealed crime seen you better start answering some
questions," Gould said. "Jeff, it's me, Cash! I don't know how she did
this to me but it is me," she pleaded.

Spotting a handbag on the floor Gould said "Ok let us see who you really
are." Keeping one eye on the mad woman Jeffery fished out a wallet from
the handbag. The driver's license inside matched the woman's face. "Now
Miss Gena O'Donald what are you doing here," Gould demanded. The
woman said "you better make out the papers to send me to loony land Jeff
cause I am ether dreaming or crazy, at least I hope so. What a nightmare not
only am I female, I'm Irish." Then Gould noticed his partner's car keys on
the floor. "Do you know what these are," Gould asked. "Yes! The keys to
my blue 1991 Chevy Corsica that you keep telling me has two much junk in
the back seat," Cash said hopefully. "The same Chevy Corsica that I have
had for the last four years. The one you broke the ash tray in," Cash griped,
thinking how incredibly dense his partner was being. "Remember the bust
on Jeremy Newsome and that vice cop you punched out," Cash pressed.
"Cash must have put you up to this," Gould conceded. "Would I tell some
strange women about Myra Stone and how we found out we both are A
positive," Cash declared. "Cash! What? How? Dam!" Gould stuttered. "I
wish I knew. Do you know under what section of the criminal code to report
a grand theft body," Cash quipped.

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