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48. Chaos in the cafeteria

47. Rachel McLewis is in trouble,

46. Jeffries calls their bluffs, a

45. Will Jeffries cooperate? And w

44. Others go out to search while

43. Jay and Athena talk to Leonard

42. How will Kyla, Nicole, and the

41. Samantha's valiant attempt to

40. A Transformation Gun can't cha

39. Ryan goes out to find his frie

38. The origin of the Transformati

37. The Babe Gun changes Chris Mor

36. More drama at the principal's

35. Karyn and Sarah are still argu

34. More with Amber and Tiffany, a

33. And who has the Prude Gun? Nad

32. Where IS Derek Lettman, anyway

31. Karyn and Sarah arrive at Jon'

30. They grab the guns and get out

29. Gladys surrenders the Fat Gun

Transformation Guns: Chaos in the cafeteria

on 2022-07-02 16:20:01
Episode last modified by Christine L. on 2022-07-07 16:44:02

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Randy Goodman's group, consisting of himself, the Asian girl hockey captain Brad Stephens, and the transformed cheerleader Reggie, had faced only a slight delay on their way to the cafeteria. They had run into Allison Wright, the only black cheerleader on Sarah McMillan's cheerleading squad. She was clearly in a hurry, but stopped when she noticed Reggie.

"You must be new around here." she said. "It's great to see another cheerleader of color in this school. But you're rooting for the wrong team. We're not even scheduled to play against Eastdale High, wherever that is."

Reggie stammered, trying to come up with the right things to say. Reggie and Allison knew each other, but Allison didn't recognize Reggie because the Reggie she knew was not a black girl, or a cheerleader.

Randy, however, stepped in. "She's a recent transfer student. She's wearing that outfit for old time's sake. She might be on the squad for the last few games this year. It's all up to Sarah."

Reggie sighed with relief. Randy smiled, thinking he had saved his friend and teammate from embarrassment, when Allison spoke up again.

"Wait a minute." Allison said. "You're looking at me as if you know me already. Did you get changed by one of those weird guns? I heard one of them is so weird it can turn anyone into anyone else."

Reggie gulped. "Yes."

"Well, if you don't want to tell me who you really are, that's okay." Allison said. "But you're heading in the wrong direction. The cafeteria is crazy right now. We got a clown spraying whipped cream, people getting turned into punks or goths or hillbillies. I'm staying FAR away from it."

"We're going there to grab the Transformation Guns and bring them to the Principal's office." Brad said.

"Well, you can count me out. I'm not risking it." Allison replied. "Good luck. You're gonna need it." And with that, Allison Wright headed down the hall.

With that out of the way, Randy, Reggie and Brad headed to the cafeteria. It was there that they would find out that everything they had heard was correct. Things in the cafeteria were indeed crazy.

The cafeteria at Lake Point High school was in a state of chaos. It had all started an hour ago, when Mike "Moose" Matthews accidentally zapped himself with the Hillbilly Gun, which had shown up under one of the tables. And then Carl James, the band geek, found the Goth Gun after Tom Welles showed up in the cafeteria, tossed it to the ground, and left after being zapped with it himself. He was showing it to Zelda Whitefield, Athena and Zoe's cybergoth friend, when it went off accidentally and zapped Moose Matthews.

Moose, up to that point, had as a result of the Hillbilly Gun been dressed in farmer's overalls and demanding the band geeks play country fiddle music. When he got zapped with the Goth Gun, his clothing and demeanor changed completely. Suddenly he was dressed all in black, like a gothic vampire character from a movie, and calling for the band to play covers of songs by The Cure and Nightwish. He even invited Zelda and her Goth friend Sabrina Johnson to do lead vocals on the latter.

Before either of them could even consider taking him up on the offer, along came Clyde Meehan, the only student at Lake Point High School who was openly a fan of country music. He grabbed the discarded Hillbilly Gun, and zapped Moose with it. Moose was suddenly back to being dressed in farm clothes, and calling for country fiddle music.

And then Zach Jones, a class clown, found the Punk Gun and zapped Moose with it. Then Moose was dressed in black leather and his hair was in a 'punkish' hairstyle and dyed in strange colors. He grabbed an electric guitar and yelled out the words to an early 80's Dead Kennedys song.

It was then that Starla Stanfield, a member of the drama club and the school's resident student drama and music critic, cringed. "I liked him better when he was a Goth." she said, and grabbed the Goth Gun from Carl and Zelda. She zapped Moose again with the Goth Gun.

And for the next few minutes, poor Moose kept getting zapped by three different Transformation Guns: Clyde with the Hillbilly Gun, Zach with the Punk Gun, and Starla with the Goth Gun. It ended up being too much for Moose, and after the last zap with the Goth Gun, he fainted.

And that's when things really got out of hand, with Clyde zapping random students and cafeteria staff with the Hillbilly Gun, Zach zapping people with the Punk Gun, and Starla with the Goth Gun. The sudden arrival of Danny Foster who had been turned into a clown by the Clown Gun and now felt compelled to perform clownish slapstick gags on everyone in sight didn't help matters any.

When Randy Goodman, Reggie Deckman, and Brad Stephens arrived, things had gotten truly chaotic. Not only had Danny Foster's throwing pies and whipped cream in people's faces resulted (predictably) in a food fight, but people were getting zapped every few seconds by one Transformation Gun or another.

The band geek and drama club twins Jennifer and Sarah Taylor (the latter being notable for being the only person in Lake Point High School besides Sarah McMillan to have the first name 'Sarah') were now easy to tell apart - Jennifer had been zapped with the Punk Gun and Sarah with the Goth Gun.

Zelda Whitefield was zapped with the Punk Gun, and nerd Walter Smukmeyer (miraculously unchanged) was sharing with her a copy of the classic cyberpunk book 'Neuromancer' in the hopes that she had become THAT sort of 'cyberpunk'.

Lunch lady Enid Parkes had been zapped with the Hillbilly Gun, and Vice Principal Rick Shepperd (who presumably had been trying to stop the chaos) had been zapped with the Punk Gun and was now participating in the food fight himself.

Randy Goodman noticed that Clyde (though still holding on to the Hillbilly Gun) was wiping a thrown pie off his face. Randy decided he would approach this the way he did strategizing during a football game, so he signaled Brad and Reggie to join him in a football-style huddle. "I'll take Zach, you bring down Starla."

Randy rushed at Zach, while Brad and Reggie rushed at Starla. Zach, however, had seen Randy do his 'football huddle' with the two strange new girls, and saw Randy's attack coming. He zapped Randy with the Punk Gun.

Almost immediately, Randy was dressed in messy clothing, had a very weird haircut, and started throwing food. Randy forgot all about his mission and joined in the mayhem.

Brad and Reggie, meanwhile, were similarly overly confident. They thought that they could easily overpower Starla, since it was two against one. Instead, Starla zapped Brad with the Goth Gun. The Asian girl was now dressed in black, Goth clothing, and halted her advance. Reggie, meanwhile, was hit with a thrown salad, stumbled, and slipped on some spilled food.

Jay Duncan and Athena DeVries arrived at the cafeteria just in time to see these last few events. When they saw all the chaos and mess, they knew they had to act soon.

Athena did a quick inventory check. Was she wearing the right pendant? She knew it was best not to go into this mess unprepared.

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