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43. Jay and Athena talk to Leonard

42. How will Kyla, Nicole, and the

41. Samantha's valiant attempt to

40. A Transformation Gun can't cha

39. Ryan goes out to find his frie

38. The origin of the Transformati

37. The Babe Gun changes Chris Mor

36. More drama at the principal's

35. Karyn and Sarah are still argu

34. More with Amber and Tiffany, a

33. And who has the Prude Gun? Nad

32. Where IS Derek Lettman, anyway

31. Karyn and Sarah arrive at Jon'

30. They grab the guns and get out

29. Gladys surrenders the Fat Gun

28. Gladys Brewer

27. Fat? But wasn't the Fat Gun al

26. Nicole Gets Shot!

25. Back to Sarah and Karyn

24. "Yes, I still have the Babe Gu

Transformation Guns: Jay and Athena meet Leonard, and learn more information

on 2022-06-28 21:19:35
Episode last modified by Christine L. on 2022-06-29 03:40:23

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Jay Duncan, meanwhile, was now teaming with Athena DeVries in their search for the Jock Gun and the Goth Gun. Zoe and Rebecca had chosen to drop out of the search and help the Emo Gun-transformed Trevor Blake. They were now in one of the classrooms, with some teachers and students who were staying there to wait it out.

On the way out, they caught up with Leonard Drullers. Leonard Drullers was also a nerd and a geek, but unlike Jay Duncan (who was thin and sort of scrawny), Leonard Drullers was overweight. While not as fat as Gladys Brewer (pre-Babe Gun), Leonard was on the receiving end of plenty of fat shaming from the likes of Tom Welles, Ted Manley, Doug Townsend, and others.

Or at least that was how things were before. As reported earlier, Leonard had been changed by the Jock Gun. He was no longer fat, but fit. He was just the right shape - not too fat, not too thin. He looked ready to participate in just about any sport - football, baseball, track and field. And when Jay and Athena met him, he seemed happy.

"Leonard!" Jay said. "I heard you got zapped by the Jock Gun but I hadn't seen you. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great!" Leonard said. "This is a major power-up! I feel like I could do anything! Hit a home run, score a touchdown... you name it!"

"You are still on for gaming night, right?" Jay asked.

"Of course!" Leonard said. "I'm still me. I still like gaming, tech, all that. I'm just in a lot better shape than I used to be."

"Great!" Jay said, glad to see his friend in such good spirits. "Do you know who zapped you with the Jock Gun?"

"Mr. Campbell the gym teacher did it." Leonard said. "Tom Welles had it before, and Mr. Campbell confiscated it from him. Then Mr. Campbell saw how the school custodian had changed, and thought maybe it really worked. He tested it on me."

"I heard he got zapped with the Hippie Gun." Jay said.

"He did." Athena added. "I saw him afterward. He was a lot more peaceful and mellow after that."

"I know. I think Erika stole the Jock Gun after that." Leonard said.

"Erika Weber?" Jay asked. Erika Weber was another cheerleader on Sarah's squad. Jay heard that Erika had a troubled home life, but didn't really know that much as they didn't really associate with each other.

"I don't know why. She just grabbed it and took off with it." Leonard said.

At that point, Jay received a text message. He was glad that he was currently in a classroom and there were no Transformation Guns in sight. Otherwise, he would not let himself get distracted.

He took a look. The message was from his mother.

While Jay was reading the text message and replying, Athena turned to Leonard with a smile. "Jay and I were having a little argument earlier. He said whoever designed the Transformation Guns must be a scientific genius. But I say they have to be magical to accomplish the transformations they do. As someone who's been changed by a Transformation Gun yourself, what do you think?"

Leonard paused. "I don't know. They look like they're science-based, like those weird energy beams you see in science fiction and in comic books. But there's no technology currently available that could cause me to go from a fat nerd to an athletic jock in a few seconds. And comic books with their Silver Age supervillains armed with mutation rays notwithstanding, I don't think this is scientifically possible. Either this is really advanced alien technology beyond our ability to imagine, or it's magic."

Jay, meanwhile, was reading the text message from his mother, saying she was okay and asking how he was. After responding that he was fine, Jay's mother asked if he was in a safe place. When Jay responded yes, Jay's mother asked for face time.

"Mom, I'm here in a classroom with Leonard and Athena." Jay said. "We're fine."

Jay's mother, Samantha Duncan, appeared on the phone's screen. "Jay, there's no easy way to say this. The Transformation Guns came from here. One of our friends and coworkers sent a batch of them to your school. We caught him, and we're hoping we can get him to unlock the storage unit where he stored the Restoration Guns."

"Restoration Guns?" Jay asked.

"Long story." Samantha replied. "There's eleven of them locked up. But that's the least of our problems. There's been an accident in the lab. Transformation Guns are appearing all over the world. It sounds like all regular guns are being turned into Transformation Guns."

"What?!? How is that possible?" Jay asked.

"We don't know. Ryan and I think it's because both the Transformation Guns and the teleport machine are powered by magic, and the magics mixed."

"Different magics and spells mixing." Athena chimed in. "That always leads to very strange results. You can't just mess with the forces behind the universe lightly, or there's bound to be consequences."

"So Athena's right? They ARE magical?" Jay asked, forgetting that his mother wasn't aware of the earlier discussion he had with Athena. "How did McMillan Tech Industries get a hold of real magic?"

Samantha paused. "To be honest, we don't know. But it has to be magic. These things weren't even real yesterday."

Jay sensed there was something his mother wasn't telling them. Just as he was about to ask more questions, an unfamiliar voice spoke on the school's intercom.

"Attention students, teachers, and faculty." said a female voice with a tone of authority. "As most of you are aware by now, a number of people throughout the school have been transformed in different ways by mysterious ray guns, which we call Transformation Guns. A task force of students has been collecting them and bringing them to the Principal's office for safekeeping. If you are currently in possession of any of these Transformation Guns, please turn them in at the Principal's office."

The voice continued. "If you are attempting to confiscate one of these Transformation Guns from someone who refuses to surrender them, extreme caution is advised. Some of them have more adverse physical or personality effects than others. The school is under lockdown until further notice. In addition, I request that Vice Principal Rick Shepperd and school nurse Dawn Carrington let the Principal's office know they are safe and still in the building. That is all."

With that, the announcement ended.

"Who was that?" Leonard asked.

"It sounded like an announcement the Principal might make." Jay said.

"I'm pretty sure that WAS our Principal." Athena said. "I think Davison has undergone some changes."

Jay turned back to the phone. "Mom, did you hear that? We're still under lockdown and we think the Principal's been changed."

"Must be the Babe Gun. Rachel's idea." Samantha blurted out.

"What was that?" Jay asked.

"Never mind." Samantha said. "Got to go. I think Jeffries is waking up soon. Ryan and I need to get him to cooperate with us. I'll talk to you later. Stay safe." With that, Jay's mother ended the phone conversation.

"Well, I guess the argument's settled. The Transformation Guns ARE magical after all." Athena remarked.

"More like magic mixed with technology." Leonard replied. "Maybe in a way, you were both right."

"Okay, that's settled." Jay conceded. "But what do we do now? Do we just hope the last few people who have Transformation Guns in this school turn them over to the Principal, or do we keep looking?"

Athena paused. "I suppose it depends on who has them. Some people might not be willing to part with them."

Jay nodded. He also had to wonder just what was going on at McMillan Tech Industries.

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