Irwin looked into the stream as he was about to get a drink. Nothing looked different about the man.He was still the same grey, boroing man he had always been. He drank his fill from the stream stood, and sighed, quietly. "well, at least the dream was interesting!" He thought to himself as he walked up the path to the road home. As he walked he passed a jogger, a nice looking blonde girl in her early twenties. As he stared at her he wasn't watching where he was going and walked directly into a small, mousy man walking along the path. "would you watch where you are going?" The small man yelled,infuriated. "I am so sick of people bumping into me all of the time! I wish people would notice me as much as they do girls like that!" With that said the small man was engulfed in a bright light for a moment. When it clearer in the mans place stood an exact copy of the girl that had jogged by moments earlier. She looked down at the large breasts suddenly protuding from her chest under the now tight grey sports bra and began screaming. Irwin heard the girl's screams and went back to investigate. "what is wrong, Miss? what happened?" She looked at him, terrified. "I wish I knew! All I know is that you bumped into me and I wished people would notice me like they did that girl you were looking at, then BOOM, I am her!" Irwin touched her shoulder, symathetically. "we should get you someplace safe." he said, obviously thinking she was a mentally. " I don't have any clothes, or anyplace to go, now." she said, miserably oblivious to Irwins presence. "I look like a porn star or something with this body!I don't even have any money in these clothes! I wish I would have become a rich, succesful porn star or something instead of this. At least then I would have an identity!" With that last statement bright light once again covered Frank and when it cleared Frankie stood in her place, huge silicone enhanced breasts heaving inside the tight red latex top, thick,enhanced, cocksucker lips pouting at the mystified Irwin looking at her, stunned. "What happened to you, Maam? Weren't you just..." The hot, platinum blonde girl looked at him with disdain. "Why are you touching me? God, I get so sick of you fans trying to grope me all the time! I can't even go for a walk in the park without being ambushed by you freaks! Just because I happen to do porn, that doesn't mean I'm a peice of meat waiting to be grabbed like a chunk of beef in the butcher shop!Now, leave me alone!" With that last statement Frankie, the newest hottest porn star in the business, spun on her four inch stilletto heel and swayed away from Irwin angrilly. He stood, stunned, watching her retreat into the growing darkness. Finally he shrugged and decided to head for home.
N:Irwin's Gift
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